Transcribed by Geoff Martin
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be
some typographical errors
Susannah Martin was born Susannah Crane, the second daughter of John
Crane. She married Eli Martin, a Harbour Grace schoolmaster at St. Peter’s
Church in October 1869. Three children are mentioned. James CRANE Martin, Bertha REBECCA Martin and Harold Martin. Four children (Elizabeth, Ernest, Isabella MITCHELL and Arthur) had died earlier.
Susannah Martin |
In the Supreme Court
In re
Susannah Martin deceased OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR Administration granted to Value of Estate $1750.00 Vol 7, Folio 437 To the Honourable the Supreme Court or to one of the Honourable the Judges thereof: The Petition of Harold Martin, of Harbor Grace, HUMBLY SHEWETH as follows:- 1. Susannah Martin, late of Harbor Grace, Widow, died at that place on the 14th day of May, 1919. 2. The said deceased left her surviving her sons Harold (Your Petitioner), James, now resident at St. John, New Brunswick, and her daughter Bertha. 3. The said deceased died intestate. 4. The said deceased at the time of her death was possessed of property within the jurisdiction of this honourable Court of the value of not more than Seventeen hundred and fifty dollars. 5. Hereto annexed marked "A" is an inventory of the estate and effects of which the said deceased died possessed. The said inventory is correct and true to the best of Your Petitioner's knowledge, information and belief. 6. No Letters of probate or of administration of the estate of the said deceased have been applied for by or granted to any person. Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that letters of Administration of the estate of the said deceased may be granted to him. And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. Dated at Harbor Grace the 24th day of June A.D., 1919. Harold Martin LS In the left margin at right angles to the text : Fiat WH Horwood CJ July 8/19 In the Supreme Court* In the matter of the Estate of Susannah Martin, late of Harbor Grace, Widow, deceased. I, Harold Martin, of Harbor Grace, make oath and say as follows:- (1) I am the Petitioner named in the foregoing Petition. (2.) The several matters and things in the said Petition set forth are correct and true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. SWORN at St. John's this ) 24th day of June A.D., Harold Martin LS 1919, before me, ) W. A. Oke Commissioner Supreme Court |