Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 444-446 probate year 1912

Will of Susannah Gosse


I Susannah Gosse of Spaniards Bay wife of Richard Gosse Trader, do make and publish this as my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore at any time by me made. I hereby appoint my brothers-in-law Mark and Jesse Gosse to be the executors of my will. I hereby direct my said executors to pay all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences as soon as possible after my decease.

I hereby devise to my son Job Gosse all the land now in his possession, bounded on the west by land belonging to Josiah Gosse on the north by land belonging to myself, which I now bequeath to my son Leonard, on the east by land belonging to myself which I am about to devise to my daughter Mary Ann, and on the south by public road, also the fishing property in Horse Harbor Labrador which he have now in possession viz. half of my whole possession there, and Five dollars to be paid over by my executors.

I hereby bequeath to my son Leonard all the land now in his possession 1st piece or parcel bounded on the south by land I now bequeath to my son Job and also land belonging to Edwar Chipman on the west by land belonging to Thomas Gosse and Nathaniel Chipman, on the north by public road, on the east by public road known as Vokeys road, 2nd plot bounded on the south by public road, on the west by land belonging to James Chipman, on the north by land belonging to myself on the east by land belonging to John Reid, also at Horse Harbor Labrador all the property which he have now in his possession viz half my possession there and also the sum of five dollars to be paid by my executors.

I hereby bequeath to my daughter Mary Ann that piece or parcel of land bounded on the west by land I bequeath to my son Job on the north by land belonging to Edward Chipman, on the east by Vokeys road, and on the south by public road. I also devise to her the bedroom in front west end of my dwelling house which she now occupy and should there be another dwelling house built on any part of my land instead of this one now standing she is to occupy the room in the same position in the house that may be built, also the bed and bedding which she use at the time of my death and also to have a free right to use of kitchen and half the crockreyware and cooking utensils that will be there at the time of my death and all my wearing apparel and all the money I own after paying five dollars to each of my sons and one dollar to my daughter Tryphena Snow, and should any of this money remain unspent at the time of her death, together will become my son Kenneths, providing he will provide for her and support her during her natural life.

I hereby devise to my son Kenneth all other property consisting of lands, dwelling house outhouses etc etc. Should my son Kenneth die before his wife, she may remain on the property only while she remain a widow, in order to help her support, and should she marry again she is to take nothing out of the house other than she had brought in, and should he my son Kenneth die without leaving any child and after his widow (if she would) marry again, this property now bequeathed to my son Kenneth will be equally divided between my sons Job and Leonard. Susannah her x mark Gosse (LS) Signed sealed published and declared by the said Susannah Gosse and in the presence of us present who at her request subscribe our names as witness to the due execution thereof

Witnesses Mark Gosse Richard Gosse. In witness whereunto I have set my hand and seal at Spaniards Bay this ninth day of August year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and five Susannah her x mark Gosse witness Jesse Gosse I Susannah Gosse do further declare that this my last will and Testament will not come in force until after the death of my husband Susannah her x mark Gosse (LS) In witness whereunto I have set my hand and seal this ninth Day of August A.D. 1905 witnesses Mark Gosse Richard Gosse

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat May 21/12 C. J. Probate May 22/12 granted to Mark Gosse & Jesse Gosse Estate sworn at $912.00

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