In the name of God Amen I Stephen Gosse of Solomon, of Tilton In the District of Harbor Grace (Trader) Being Through the Blessings of God - In a sound state of mind and memory. But Calling to mind the frail Tenure of life & that it is appointed to all men once to die. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament
With Respects to my worldly Estate - I give, Bequath and dispose of it as Followers First I give and bequeth to my son Simeon Gosse to be paid from my Estate the sum of Twenty Dollars, and also to my Daughter Esther Allsopp the sum of twenty dollars. And also to my son Selby Gosse the sum of twenty dollars and also to my Daughter Diana Noseworthy the sum of Seventy-five Dollars $75.00 and to my Daughter Lucy Gosse the sum of one Hundred & fifty dollars $150.00 To be paid after my death out of my Estate
And I give Bequath and set over to my Dearly Beloved wife Rebecca Gosse All the remainder of my Right Title and entress of all I possess Namely my Dwelling House & out houses, stores & all my lands, Together with every thing that is in my posesion - for her own absolute use To do with has she deem fit, Sell, Give, make over, or do with just as she please And I do hereby appoint and ordain Mr Solomon Gosse of Robert and M Josiah Jeans & Mr James Gosse of Peter to be my Executers to this my last will and Testament Hereby Revoking all other & former wills & testaments By me at any time heretofore made
In witness wereof I have set my hand and seal This the third day June one thousand nine Hundred and nine. In presents of Stephen Gosse (LS) Solomon Gosse of Robert Josiah Janes James Gosse of Peter
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Nov 6/09
Emerson J.
Nov 15/09
granted to
Solomon Goss
Josiah Janes
Jas. Gosse
sworn at