In the name of God Amen I Samuel Woodford Fisherman Farmer of Harbor Main being ill of body but sound in mind do make this my last will and testament and dispose of my worldly effects, goods and chattles as hereinafter mentioned
First. I bequeath my soul to God its creator, my body to the earth to be buried in a decent Christain manner
2nd I give and bequeath to my wife Margaret my cabbage garden, also that piece of land know as the old Marsh also the piece of land known as the old potatoe garden, one half of my dwelling house to be hers and for her use whilst she lives in this life and after her death all and each part becomes the property of my son Michael Woodfords. The foregoing property that is potatoe garden. Marsh & Cabbage garden cannot at any time be sold, mortgaged set over or transferred to any other person other than one of my descendants whoes name must be Woodford
3rd My meadow known as the ridge Meadow also my part or portion of the waste (now) land adjoining the aforesaid meadow I give and bequeath to my son Michael to be his and his heirs forever. Also my garden know as the wall garden I give and bequeath to my son Michael to be his and his heirs forever. Also all the land that I possess that is situated on Holdens Road bounded on the south by Holdens Road North & North East by John Walls land south west and west by Railway line I give and bequeath to my son Michael to be his and his heirs for ever. Also a piece of waste land laying south of Holdens Road I give and bequeath to my son Michael to be his and his heirs for ever.
I give and bequeath in equal shares to my four sons John James William and Michael all the land that I posses on Hr. Main ridge to be equally divided between them.
I give and bequeath to my son John all that piece of land situated in the lane between Edward Woodfords & Philip Woodfords houses.
I give and bequeath to my son Michael one half of my dwelling house all of my barn and cellar carts and wheels, catamaran harness, and all my farming implements to be his
I give and bequeath to my wife Margaret my cow to be hers and for her use and benefit for whilst she lives, all the cattle in her possession at the time of her death shall and must become the property of my son Michael.
All my waterside property is to be used in common by my Four sons as aforesaid named. Given under my hand and seal this sixth day of August A.D. one thousand nine hundred and three signed Samuel Woodford Witness Stephen Doyle Philip Doyle
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
June 17/08
Johnson J.
adm c.t.a.
Oct 21/09
granted to
Doyle &
Edw. Wall
Wm. Wall
Estate sworn
at $200.00