PCC Will of Roger Butt of Crocker’s Cove, Carbonear. Will made on April 21st, 1693. Probated at London, on January 23, 1701.
The National Archives' catalogue
PROB - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Division within PROB - Wills and Letters of Administration
PROB 11 - Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers
PROB 11/459 - Name of Register: Dyer Quire Numbers: 1 - 45.
PROB 11/459/91. 23 January 1701. Will of Roger Butt.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. First, I give and bequeath my Soul unto God Almighty who gave it me. And Secondly, I do remit my body unto the Earth, the place from whence it came, and there to be buried in Christian manner in hopes of the resurrection. First, I give unto my Eldest Son John Butt the Sum of ten pounds. Secondly, I give unto my Son Roger Butt the Sum of ten pounds. Thirdly I give unto my Son William Butt the Sum of eighty pounds. Fourthly I give unto my son George Butt the Sum of one hundred pounds. And fifthly I give unto my Son Joseph Butt the Sum of one hundred and forty pounds. Sixthly I give unto my Grand-daughter Elizabeth Daw the Sum of five pounds. Seventhly I give unto my Cousin Richard the Sum of five pounds. I likewise give unto my Son Joseph the Bed and furniture I lie in myself. And I give unto William the Middle Room Bed with the furniture, and unto George the Trundle Bed with the New Desk? belonging to him with the Rug and other things belonging to it, and to Roger the Bed he lies upon. And I give unto my five Sons the Plantation with all Goods within door(s) and without, to be divided in equal Shares amongst them and that you take one part to discharge all my debts and likewise to retrieve the debts due to me from several people as you will find by my Books. And my desire is of you to carry on the Voyage with all care you can and that you live lovingly together, and that what advantage may be made of the voyage after everything is paid for, that you divide equally. I do order my trusty and well beloved friend Mr. Thomas Edwards in trust to see this my last Will and Testament performed. I leave you all my blessing. Witness my hand and Seal in Crocker’s Cove the 21st day of April One thousand six hundred ninety-three. The mark of Roger Butt.
Item: I give unto my Son Joseph ten pounds more. Item: I give unto my Son Joseph Butt fifty pounds more, which is now in Mr. John Templeman's hands. Testate.
William Pynne & Thomas Edwards witnessed the Will.
PCC probate in Latin. Probate and Administration granted at London to Joseph Butt, a minor son; on January 23, 1701.
[ Since this author is not versed in Latin, should one have included a disclaimer respecting the probate paragraph content as provided here? Probate date of January 23, 1701. It appears that Joseph Butt was underage at the time of the Probate of his father's Will. As well Joseph Butt, minor, had a ?court assigned? guardian named John ?Hancock? The minor son Joseph Butt was of marriageable age, but still under 21 years of age; on Jan 23, 1701. Curation. ]
*The legal designation of the title Mr., would not have applied to Joseph Butt at the probate time in January, 1701. Being under the legal age of 21 Years.
Names Grand-daughter Elizabeth Daw. Was Elizabeth Daw possibly a daughter of the eldest son John Butt? Nicholas Daw may have had a son John Daw, as per the 1706 list of inhabitant militia sent to Port de Grave.
One may expect Butt family DNA to show in the Ship Cove, Port de Grave; Daw family. Comparison may be made of Butt and Dawe descendent family features?
One should check against the original registered Will for any possible transcription mistake.