NFGenWeb WillsConception Bay NorthCarbonear - The Will Of Robert Howell Sr., 1800 |
Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Etobicoke, ON January 6, 2000 (Note: the right margin of the photocopy was slightly cut off, so some words missing and others the handwriting is difficult to read) In the name of God Amen, I Robert Howell Sr. of Carbonear, Conception Bay, in the Island of Newfoundland, Planter, being thro the abundant mercy and grace of …tho weak in body yet of a sound mind and memory do constitute this my last Will & Testament and desire I may be received by all and … my worldly property I give and bequeath as follows after all my lawful debts are paid – Item – I give and bequeath to my son Peter Howell and my son-in-law Robert Penny that part of my ? room or plantation in which their houses now stand, ? bounded on the West by Gosses Room and to extend as far to ? as the Flake? on the Bank, except one beam’s length of us is to belong to the other or Eastward part of the fishing room which is to be disposed of as hereaftermentioned – Item – and bequeath to my sons Robert, James and John the Eastern ? of the fishing room including the one beam’s length of flake aforementioned, and also the stage and that part of the land which the stage now stands, the above diver? of the ? to be enjoyed by ? us their own true and lawful ? (sons?) , their Heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns, forever. Item – I give and bequeath to my sons, Robert, James, John a large garden bounded on the West by the cheese ? on the East by Richard Taylor’s Room or to their ? executors administrators forever. Item – I give and bequeath to my son William Howell the Garden lately occupied by ? on the Westward part of the room and to his ? ? and administrators forever. Item – I give and bequeath to my son Robert Howell the Meadow Ground a ? Westward part of the room on the back of Peter ? house and I also give unto my said son Robert the house which I now live in with the garden adjoining thereto also the out houses, cattle, ? or any other property not mentioned in any ? above bequeaths to peaceaby and quietly and ? by him, his heirs, executors and administrators as he ? their own property forever. It is also my ? that my sons Robert & James should use the upper flake as usual the ensuing summer for curing their fish, provided it is no hindrance to any of the above persons that may want a sufficient part for their own use. I do also hereby constitute and appoint Richard Taylor and John Penny both of Carbonear my true and lawful Executors desiring them to ? this my last Will and Testament fully executed according to my desire. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal in Carbonear aforesaid this third day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred. Robert Howell (x his mark) Witnesses present: The foregoing is a true copy of the original Will ? (constituted?) by Robt. Howell and by his request recorded here the 14th day of March 1808, by order of the surrogate Oliver St. John, Registrar |
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