NL GenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North - Harbour Grace District

Harbour Grace

Will of Robert Grey Sr of Harbor Grace (1786)

The information in this will was transcribed by JANE ANNE MacKINNON ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there may be errors.
Will of Robert Grey Sr. of Harbor Grace, 1786
GREY, Robert Sr. 1786 Harbor Grace

To all Christian Peoples to whom these presents shall come, I Robert Grey, Senior, inhabitant of Harbour Grace in Newfoundland, send greeting in our Lords’ Everlasting.

Know ye that I, the said Robert Grey, for the love and affection that I the said Robert Grey do bear unto Susannah Grey, my daughter, I the said Robert Grey, being in perfect memory, have given, granted and confirmed and by this present writing do fully and freely and absolutely give, grant and confirm unto the said Susannah Grey all and singularly the plantation which I now dwell on in Harbour Grace, aforesaid formerly known by the name of Bales Plantation. To have, hold, levy, use, depose of, take and enjoy, all the said premises aforesaid unto the said Susannah Grey, her Executors, Administrators, and Assigns from henceforth for ever without any manner of claim, challenge or demand whatsoever, or by any person or persons whatsoever.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Harbour Grace aforesaid this twenty sixth day of August in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Six in the twenty sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign, King George the Third.

R. Grey (Legal Seal)

in the presence of
Wm Lilly

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© 2002 Jane Anne MacKinnon, Bonnie Hickey & Stephen Baker