NFGenWeb WillsConception Bay NorthCarbonear - Indenture of Richard Taylor, 1795The following information is an indenture between Richard Taylor of Carbonear and John Clark/John Osmond of Crokers Cove in 1795 for a Plantation in Carbonear.Ron Neuman Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
"This indenture made the twenty seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five and in the 35th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. Between John Clark and John Osmond, both of Crokers Cove in the Island of Newfoundland and Richard Taylor of Carbonear in the same Island of Newfoundland. Witnesseth that the said John Clark and John Osmond, for and in consideration of the sum of thirty pounds of British money, one half to be paid in hand on or before the Sealing and delivery of these present, and the other half to be paid the following year, hath assigned and set over unto the said Richard Taylor and his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns all that Room or Plantation situated and lying in Carbonear in the Island of Newfoundland, bounded on the west by the said Richard Taylor's Room and on the east by Hugh Penny's Room together with all ways, paths, passages and appurtenances thereto belonging, to have and to hold the said plantation unto himself, his heirs and assigns forever; also all the right, title, Estate, property and claim whatever, both in Law and Equity, and it shall and may be lawfull for the said Richard Taylor, his Executors, administrators and assigns from time to time, and at all times, to enter, enjoy, possess, have and hold the said Room and Plantation and appurtenances hereby intended to be assigned to his and their use and benefit, to receive and take the Rents and profits thereof without the less hindrance or interruption of the said Jn. Clark and John Osmond, their Executors and administrators or any person or persons whatever. In witness whereof, we the said John Clark and Jn. Osmond have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year above written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of as where no stamps are to be had. Jn. Pike It is also agreed between the said parties that the said Richd. Taylor is not to enjoy that part of said Room now occupied by Laurence Keon, until his present lease is expired, which will be in the year one thousand seven hundred & ninety eight, and then the said Richard Taylor and his assigns shall enjoy the entire of the said Room and Plantation without any less hindrance or molestation from said Jn. Clark and John Osmond, their executors and administrators, or any person or persons whatever, and the said Laurence Keon on his quitting the premises is not to pull down or remove any building or erection which is now on the said Room. Received the twenty seventh day of April 1795 of Richd. Taylor, Fifteen Pounds, being the half of the consideration above mentioned. The foregoing is a true copy of the original deed of assignment exhibited by Richard Taylor, and at his request, registered in this Book of Records. Harbour Grace, 25 Nov. 1795." |
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