Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be
some typographical errors
Newfoundland will books vol 1 pages 15 to 18 probate years 1827-1830
Will of Richard Taylor |
In re
Richard Taylor deceased. In the name of God. Amen. I Richard Taylor of Carbonear Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland. Planter, being thro the abundant goodness and mercy of God of the sound and perfect understanding and memory to constitute this my last will and testament and desire it may be received by all as such. First. I most humbly bequeath my soul of God my Maker beseeching his most gracious acceptance of it, thro the all sufficient merits and mediation of my most compassionate Redeemer Jesus Christ who gave himself to be an atonement for my sins, in this hope & confidence I render up my soul with comfort humbly beseeching the most blessed and glorious Trinity one God most holy, most merciful and gracious, to prepare me for the Time of my Dissolution, and then to take me to Himself onto that Peace and Rest which he has prepar'd for all that love and fear his Holy Name, Amen. Blessed be God, I give my body to the earth from whence it was taken in full assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the last Day. As to my worldly estate I will give and bequeath them as follows. First. I give my dear and loving wife Ann Taylor for the term of her life, this house in which I now dwell with all the furniture and likewise the land and tenements which lie about it with all and every thing appertaining thereto and at her death to be divided amongst her children as follows Item, I give and bequeath to my eldest son William Taylor a Room which is situated as follows eastern part bounded on the east by Mr. Henry C. Watt's by the west from the Westward corner of the store now belonging to him up to the Westward side of the mare's house and from thence up to the bound Stone as far as the Public Path, southerly with this exception that if he should die without Issue and his widow in aftertime marry any one otherwise nam'd than Taylor by surname it shall devolve to the surviving brothers to be equally shar'd North & South by them or who they may appoint. Second. Westerly from the Westward corner of William Taylor my son's store to the bounded stone farther Westward and as far back northerly as my bounds goe's the same breadth in back as front [excluding a cellar and Fish House now there which shall be the property of my son Jonathan] I bequeath to my son Richard Taylor. Third. Westerly, from the bound stone of Richard's to the bound stone of Joseph's Westward [excluding the spot now in the possession of my son John say from the Back of his House to water side & from the path way to the fence parting Joseph's from Jonathan's] the Kitchen Gardens to stand & be kept fenced in the same place as they now are, the dwelling house with all the furniture the Cow house and the bounds as far northward as it extends the same breadth in back as front I bequeath to my son Jonathan the path way up and down to be kept the same breadth as it now is the ground to be the property of Jonathan this to be as free to one as the other for the use and benefit of the several son's viz Rich'd John Joseph and Jonathan. Fourth. Westerly part from the path way Westward as far as my son Joseph's fence or bound stone and from the back of my son John's House to the Water's edge same in front as back, also Fifteen yards Westerly from the Eastward bound viz Mr. H. C. Watts's from the street northerly as far as my bounds extend's which is to my son Richard's garden the same in back as front I bequeath to my son John. Fifth. Westerly from Robert Howell bounds Eastward as far as the bound stone in the little Garden put by me the same breadth in back as front [excepting the garden's which are to be left as they now are as mention'd before] I give & bequeath to my son Joseph Item the Eastward part allotted for my son William in case of his death without male issue, not liking it should go out of the family name I ordain to be separated equally between the surviving brothers North & South his Widow to be allow'd the use and privilege of it as long as she may live, each to have a regular Share of Flake Room from the Westward corner of William's store as far Westward as the extreme bounds to be divided as follows the Eastward for Richard next Westerly for Jonathan next Westerly for John and next Westerly for Joseph, the above to be wholely & soley there property there Heirs Executors, Administrators or Assigns for ever [excepting the case stated in William's] I do hereby constitute and appoint William Howell Junr son of William of Carbonear and Samuel Rumson of Carbonear my true and lawful Executors and doubting not but they will if God spares them see this my last will and testament fully executed according to my desire. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in Carbonear this twenty third day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Fifteen. Richard Taylor. [LS] Witness present Samuel Rumson. Wm. Howell of Wm. Wm. W. Bemister. Codicil to the before Will and Testament. Whereas I the within mentioned Richard Taylor do think fit and proper to adjoin this codicil to my within mentioned will and testament. I do hereby wish all persons concerned to accept it as the same, viz I further give & bequeath to my son John the full & sole possession of the Pew now my property in the Methodist Chapel in this place whilst he lives & his heirs hereafter. Further to my daughter Ann who is now widow I give and bequeath the room I now occupy as a bed room &c to her to occuppy with free toleration to & from without molestation as long as she remains in a Widowhood state with all the furniture therein under the same restrictions. Richard Taylor [LS]. The 2nd day of Decr in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred & twenty two. Witness S. C. Rumson. W. W. Bemister. Wm. Howell. Codicil to the before codicil and will and testament. Whereas I the before mentioned Richard Taylor do hereby think fit and proper to adjoin this codicil to the one before mentioned in to my last will and testament adjoin'd hereunto I do hereby wish all persons concerned to accept it as the same viz I further give and bequeath out of the sum and sums of money now laying due to me and in my possession, that is to say in the hands of Messrs Gosse Pack & Fryer Merchants of Carbonear the sum of Three hundred Thirty six pounds two schillings & one penny due me pr a/c furnished since December the thirty first one thousand eight hundred and twenty six and One hundred and fifty pounds in Cash now in my possession in form and manner as follows, First I desire my executors to take from the above sums the sum of Thirty six pounds two shillings and one penny to defray my funeral expenses or other charges necessary thereunto, Second to my son Richard I bequeath the sum of Seventy pounds, Thirdly to my son John Ninety pounds, Fourthly to my daug'r Mary Noel the sum of Fifty pounds, Fifthly to my daughter Ann Best the sum of Sixty pounds Sixthly to my son Jonathan the sum of One hundred pounds, Seventhly to my grand daughter Patience Rumson the sum of Twenty five pounds, Eighthly to the widow of my son Joseph Mary Taylor the sum of twenty five pounds. Further to my son John I bequeath a black spfine(?) coat Waistcoat & trowsers, to my grandchild George Best a purple Coat, my watch I give to Benoni Taylor son of Mary Taylor, to my daughter Ann Best I give the cow now in my possession and sole property of myself, the rent of the part of the room held by lease now by Mr. Wm. Bennett Merch't I do hereby beg to be equally separated between my son William and my daughter Ann Best and after my son's William's death the whole of said rent as long as the lease holds to come to my daughter Ann Best, my bed which I now occupy I give to Joseph the son of my son Jonathan. Richard Taylor [LS]. Signed & sealed the nineteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven in presence of Samuel C. Rumson, W. W. Bemister, Wm. Howell. Codicil to the before codicils and will. Whereas I the before mentioned Richard Taylor do hereby think fit and proper to adjoin this codicil to those before mention'd and to my last will & testament adjoining hereunto I do hereby wish all persons concerned to accept it as the same viz. I further give to my daughter Ann Best as long as she lives in a widowhood state a garden to the Westward of the dwelling house I now reside in and a small Bed Room she now occupys in the dwelling house to have free resource to & from said premises without any molestation also to my grand daughter Patience Rumson I give and bequeath the use of the dwelling house she now resides in as long as she lives with all appurtenances & paths thereto as it now stands, and I do hereby deny any buildings to be erected by Henry Rogers or his Heirs on any part of the land my property before the expiration of a lease now held by William Bennett. Richard Taylor [LS]. Signed & sealed the seventeenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven in presence of Samuel Rumson. John Rork. Joseph Taylor.
Certified correct D.M. Browning Registrar |