Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be
some typographical errors
Newfoundland will books vol 1 pages 61 & 62 probate year 1828-1830
Will of Richard Halfyard |
In re
Richard Halfyard deceased In the name of God Amen I Richard Halfyard of the County Deven Marraner being in good & perfect memory blesed be God therefore to do this twenty third day of Febury th 34 year of the reign of our soveringn lord George the third of Greate Greate Briton France & Ireland king Defender of the faith & so forth in the years of 1795 make publish this my last will and testament in manner & form following that is to say in primis I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God he gave it me & my body to the earth from whence it came in hope of a joyful resurtion through the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ and as for that worldly estate wherewith it hate pleased God to bless me I dispose thereof as follows I give unto my loving wife Elizabeth Halfyard all My property in Newfoundland that is to say Boats Craft Housis Meads Gardins Fleakes Steagis and all other goods & chattles of every kind & neature whatsoever I give also to my loveing wife Elizabeath Halfyard all my money in Ingland that is to say in my my father’s hands or elsewhere that is to say Richard Halfyard Sener in the the County of Devin in Parish of South Convay and I also impowre also my ad wife Elizabeath Halfyard to shue & recover aney money or deats that may be due to me after my desaise during her neatrill life shey is to have & to hould all the contents of this my last will and testament. I do hereby apoint & constute Mattw Dalton planter of Wester Bay & James Deavis of wester Bay aforesd to be my exters in trust of this my last will & testament to take care and see the same exctude and it is my will after the death of my wife that my plantions will & shall come to my sons to be eqully divide betwixt them and its my will that if there is aney money left after the death of my wife or aney other housill goods is to be equilly divided betwixt them that is to say betwixt the boys and girls. Richard Halfyard [LS] Sind and seald and deliverd where no stamp is to be hard in the presence in Okerpit Cove of Noah Perry Richd Wills in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five. Ockerpit Cove Febuary ye 25. Certified correct D.M. Browning Registrar. |