NLGenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North Region ~ Harbour Grace District
Spaniard's Bay - Will of Richard Baggs (1824)
This will was read, recorded and transcribed by BONNIE HICKEY, December, 2001. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.

Will of Richard Baggs
In the name of God amen the 5th day of June 1824 Richard Bags of Conception Bay Spaniard's Bay being of perfect health and memory thanks be to Almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertain state of this transitory life and that all Flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to call make constitute ordain and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following revoking and annulling by these presence all and every testament and testaments will and wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or wrighting and this to be taken only for my last Will and Testament and none other. And first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins past most humbly desiring forgiveness of the same I give and commit my soul unto almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer in whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved and to have remission and forgiveness of all my Sins that my Soul with my body at the general day of the resurrection shall rise again with Joy and through the merits of Christ Death and [portion?] to possess and inherit the Kingdom of heaven prepared for his elect and chose. And my body to be buried in such a place where my executors hereafter named to appoint and now for setteling [sic] my temporal estate and such Goods and Chattels and Debts as it hath pleased God far above my desire to bestow upon me I do order give and dispose of the same in manner and form following that is to say first I give and bequeath to Richard Bags my beloved son the half of my plantation and fishing room that is to say the westard part for Richard the Dwelling House and all the Furniture that is in the house at my diseasse except One Bed and Beding for Joseph Baggs my beloved son and that is to say all my Carpenters Tools is to be divided between Richard and Joseph Baggs my beloved sons. I give and bequeath to Joseph Baggs my beloved son the Easter part of my Fishing rume and plantation that is in Island Cove is to be divided between the two Brothers Richard and Joseph Baggs my beloved sons which came by a Deed of Gift by my Father and all the money that remains in Gosse P. and Frier concern is to be eaquily divided between the two Brothers Richard and Joseph Baggs where we have set our hands and seals the day and date above mentioned in the reign of Sovereign Lord King Gorg the Fourth King of Great Britain France and Ireland.

Richard Baggs

Witness present} Jacob Smith, Joseph Baggs

Richard Baggs my beloved son this is my request that you will help Joseph Baggs your Brother to build a Dwelling House on the Easter part of the rume with a chimbly lafting and Sealing and Staters and one rume up stayers and also Richard Baggs you are to assist Joseph your Brother to [clear?] so much of the land on the East and fence it as on the westard part.

The Registrar of Deeds is hereby authorised to Register the foregoing Will the same having been executed prior to the passing of the 5th Geo: 4 Cap 67.

Harbor Grace 3 July 1826
J. Wm Molloy Judge Northern Circuit Court

I hereby Certify that the foregoing pages one hundred and thirty two and thirty three contain a true and literal copy of the Will of Richard Baggs and the same is hereby actually Registered by me this day under the foregoing authority from the Honorable Judge Molloy.
Witness my hand at Harbour Grace Newfoundland this Twenty second day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty six 1826.

John Stark

[fees illegible] property at £400

Original delivered to Joseph Baggs 19th Octo 1826 J.S.

© Bonnie Hickey and NL GenWeb