Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 324 to 326 probate year 1907

Will of Patrick Ward

This will is also recorded in volume 2 page 587, without the Fiat. There is a 100 pound difference in the assets, but other than that it is the same will


In the name of the Lord Amen I Patrick Ward Catholic Priest of Tilton Harbour Newfoundland, now of sound mind and perfectly qualified to settle my temporal affairs do make this my last will and testament all or any others heretofore made to be null and of no value. I have on the day of this date in the Union Bank of Newfoundland the sum of £ 600 cur’y I have also in the Savings Bank Newfoundland the sum of £ 300 cur’y My will is the said above sums shall be appropriated in the following manner

I first set apart the sum of £ 120 for Masses for my soul £ 60 of which shall be for High Masses and £ 60 for low Masses.

2nd £ 60 for a monument to be placed or erected over my grave

3rd I bequeath £ 120 to my brother John Ward and if he should be dead the said sum of £ 120 to be divided share and share alike between his sons.

4th I bequeath to my brother Peter Ward the sum of £ 100,

5th I bequeath to Patrick McHale Ward the son of Peter £ 100.

6th I bequeath to Celia McTigue £ 60 which should be transmitted to the Parish Priest Islandeady Castlebar County Mayo.

7th I bequeath £ 100 to my faithful housekeeper Mary Colman

8th I bequeath the sum of £ 100 towards the erection of a Convent in Tilton Harbor or whatever way Dr. Dalton thinks well of laying it out

9th I bequeath the sum of £ 20 to the poor widows and orphans of Fogo District.

10th I bequeath the sum of £ 100 to Right Revd. Dr. Dalton to be expended by him for religious purposes as he may think proper.

11th I bequeath my gold watch to Patrick McHale Ward after his father’s death.

12th I leave my gardens and my household furniture which are my private property to whatever Priest succeeds me in this Parish by paying the sum of £ 40 to my executors and which sum shall be given for Masses for my soul.

13th the sum of seventy pounds which is on Messrs. Cox & Co. books at Fogo will defray my funeral expences. My beds, bedcloths, clock, pictures, books, writing desks, and many other articles, indeed all, except tables and chairs I bequeath to Peter Ward. It is my particular desire that I would be buried in the Belvedere Cemetery, St. John’s. I request the Very Revd Bernard Duffy and Revd John Walsh do act as my executors.

Signed and sealed this 21st day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four. Patrick Ward (LS) I hereby certify that the said Patrick Ward P.P. has made an acknowledgment to me that this document is his last will and testament. James Brown, C.C. Tilton Harbour, June 20th 1865.

Certified correct, D. M. Browning Registrar
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Emerson J. admt. C.t.a. d.b.n. granted to Thomas Hanrahan on the 18th day of September A.D. 1907 Estate sworn at $701.94 Sureties M K Greene Geo J Veitch

© Judy Benson, Ivy Benoit and NL GenWeb