NLGenWeb Wills & Probate Documents

Conception Bay North - Carbonear District


Will of Nicholas Powell of Carbonear (1815)
The information in this will was transcribed by SUSAN SNELGROVE ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors.

Will of Nicholas Powell of Carbonear (1815)

I Nicholas Powell of Carbonear Newfoland being in perfect mind and memory, make this my last Will and Testament. First I desire that my sons THOMAS NICHOLAS and FRANCIS POWELL are to bury me decently at their expence equally contributed. My temporal Estate I bequeath of in the following manner. [Imprimus?] To all my sons proportionably I bequeath my Room and Plantation to be equally divided amongst them.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my wife MARY POWELL the Dwelling House and furniture as long as she lives and at her decease to my son FRANCIS.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my daughter ANN HOPKINS the House and Gardens that she and her husband RICHARD HOPKINS now occupy for ever.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my two sons THOs and NICHs POWELL my two thirds of the Schooner (two thirds) each one third.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my three sons THOMAS NICHOLAS and FRANCIS POWELL all the money that I may be possessed of at my decease, to be fairly and equally divided between them. I desire that my sons THOMAS NICHs & FRANCIS POWELL are to maintain my wife MARY POWELL as long as she lives. I desire that all my sons WILLIAM RICHARD JOHN THOMAS NICHs and FRANCIS POWELL pays the annual payment towards the liquidation of a debt contracted by me at [Messrs?] KEMP and should either of them refuse to contribute that then his part of the Room is to be taken possession of by those who are willing and do well and faithfully contribute and pay the annual sum.

Item – I give unto my sons [THOs?] NICHs and FRANCIS the Cow House Fish House and what cattle I may have at my decease.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my son WILLm POWELL’s son WILLIAM my deceased Brother WILLm POWELLS Bed and Bedding.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my sons THOs NICHs and FRANCIS all my evening apparel and all the morning apparel of my brother WILLm deceased. Unto the said THs Ns & FRs the two houses occupied by my sons [Wm?] and [Rd?] are their own and not to be considered in the division of the Room. I do appoint WILLm BEMISTER & WILLIAM HOWELL my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. And I do hereby revoke disallow and [disannull?] all former [requests?] Wills and Legacies in any wise left and made declaring [ratifying?] and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this seventh day of Septr in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and fifteen.

NICHs POWELL (x his mark)

Signed by the within Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of the said Testators & in the presence of use.


NOTE: running sideways along the left margin of page one, an additional sentence: “+ I give and bequeath unto RICHARD HOPKINS son JOHN my deceased Brother WILLIAM POWELLS watch.”

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