NL GenWeb Wills

Transcribed and contributed by David Anstey, July 2020. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there may be errors. One should always check and compare with the original.

Conception Bay North

Will of Nicholas Efford
PCC Will of Nicholas Efford of Poole, Dorset; and Bay de Verde, Newfoundland. Made on May 11, 1688, and Probated at London, on June 3, 1690.

*The original registered Will does not have line spacing, and is basically in style of one body, or paragraph. Line spacing, occasional numbering, and some punctuation have been added in this file. Simply to make the Will easier to read, and digest. *Not all corrections as apparently made at the end of the Will by the “original” writer; appear to match the “registered” Will body content provided here. The “registered” copy at the PCC, not showing the “original” Will interlinings, and other such changes and/or corrections. *The Probate of early PCC Wills, sometimes are accompanied by their counterpart Sentences. A duo information base, from which genealogical info may be extracted. Which is the case for the PCC Will of Poole, Dorset; merchant Nicholas Efford, as below here. *Concurrently the probate process paperwork for a particular Will may have involved the PCC; including English/British Diocesan Courts, Archdeaconry Courts, or Peculiar Courts. And in cases, extending to a Newfoundland Court, Governors, JP’s, etc. Members of the Slade merchant family of Poole, Dorset lie in this realm. The Rousell family of early Notre Dame Bay, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset; and Portsea. Colbournes. Etc.

In the name of God Amen, I Nicholas Efford of Poole, in the County of Dorset, Merchant; being a little indisposed in body, yet being of sound and perfect mind and memory; for which great mercy I desire to be thankful to Almighty God. Do thus make and ordain my last will and testament... ( If so be it please God to take me home before the return of the good ship, the Concord; now in a Voyage at Newfoundland. Wherein Nicholas Efford Jr. being the Master. ) manner and form as followeth. Viz. First and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ to obtain full remission of all my sins, and to be made a partaker of eternal life. And my body I commit to earth from where it was taken, to be decently buried by the care of my Executors, hereinafter named. And as touching the disposal of my temporal goods and Estate, I do order and dispose thereof as followeth.

Imprimis, I do give and bequeath my Plantation in the Bay de Verds in Newfoundland with all the rights and privileges and appurtenances thereof to: 1) Joan Fabian of Poole, Widow; 2) her son Joseph Fabian, my servant, and now at present belonging to the good ship Concord aforesaid; and 3) Thomas Amey my late servant, now belonging to the before named Plantation in Newfoundland. To be justly and equally divided as to all the commissions and profits thereof, between the said 3 parties, and to be and remain to them and their heirs forever. And likewise I do give to the said Joan Fabian, Joseph her son, and Thomas Amey; all the profits and benefits that shall accrue from the said Plantation this present Voyage that is now in making. To be equally divided between the said 3 parties. After that the men therein employed, be paid and discharged.

Item: I do give and bequeath my dwelling house situate in Poole aforesaid, with all the Cellars, outhouses, appurtenances, and privileges thereunto belonging, unto the abovesaid Joseph Fabian. And to my present servant, Mary Deverell. To be and remain unto the said Joseph and Mary, and to their heirs forever. Provided that the said Joseph and Mary shall marry together and have Issue. But on want of Issue between the said Joseph and Mary, theron their decease; the said house with all its appurtenances shall descend unto the eldest son of my Kinsman Christopher Reeks, of the Town of Poole, Mariner, and to his heirs forever. But if he shall die without Issue, then it shall descend to the eldest son of John Willet(t) and to his heirs forever. And if he shall want Issue, then it shall descend unto my Kinsman Thomas Wadham, the eldest son of Thomas Wadham of this Town, Mariner; and to his heirs forever. Or if he shall want Issue, then it shall descend unto the eldest son of William Hooper of this Town, Baker; which was born unto him by Joan Willett, his late wife. To remain unto him and his heirs forever. And if it shall so happen that he also shall want Issue; then it shall remain unto the poor of the Town of Poole. To be disposed of for the good of the poor, at the discretion of the Overseers of this my Will and Testament. And on their decease, at the discretion of those whom they shall appoint, for this end and purpose. But if it shall so happen that the abovesaid Joseph Fabian shall not return home, but shall die in this Voyage in which he is now employed. Then I do give my said house unto John Cleeves, the son of Mrs. Cleeves, Widow of this Town. And to my said servant Mary Deverell, the same terms and conditions, as unto the abovesaid Joseph and Mary. And if they die without Issue, then to descend as before expressed.

Item: All my household goods whether within or without, I do give and bequeath unto my Executors hereinafter named, except what shall therein by me be otherwise disposed of. All which goods shall be and remain in my new dwelling house, till the return of the above said Joseph Fabian home from his Voyage.

Item: I do give and bequeath to my present servant Elizabeth Biddlecome, all my right and title to that dwelling house and garden with all appurtenances there belonging. Which is now in the tenure and occupation of Thomas Amey and John Strong. Which house I purchased of the Overseers of the last Will and Testament of Mrs. Elizabeth Bampton, late of this Town. To enjoy the same during the lease of the said house, if she shall so long live. But if she shall die before the expiration of the said Lease; then I do bequeath for his remaining time of the Lease; unto the eldest son of William Hooper aforesaid, which he had by his late wife Joan Willett. Furthermore, I do give unto the said Elizabeth Biddlecome, Ten pounds in money, with the Bed and Bedstead on which I now lie. With the blankets, Pillows, curtains, fallings, and everything else that belongs unto it. With two pairs of good strong sheets, the little pot and kettle, two parlour Platters, with all other necessaries for her to keep house, to be delivered unto her, within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give and bequeath unto each of the children of my Kinsman John Willett abovesaid; Five pounds. To be paid them within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give and bequeath unto each of the children of my Kinswoman Mary Wadham, wife of Thomas Wadham Sr. abovesaid; Five pounds to be paid within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give and bequeath unto each of the children of my Kinswoman Dorothy Reeks, wife of Christopher Reeks aforesaid; Five pounds to be paid within three months after my decease. And to the said Dorothy herself, Ten pounds to be paid at the same time.

Item: I do give unto each of the children of William Hooper aforesaid; which he had by my Kinswoman Joan Willett, his late wife; Five pounds to be paid within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give bequeath and resign unto my Kinswoman Mrs. Elizabeth Scutt, Widow; all the Bonds, bills and obligations of what kind soever, whereby she is bound and obliged unto me. To be devised unto her, and she to be justly acquitted and discharged of. From all; as likewise all her goods, which is now in my house. Freely to be delivered to her or her order, within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give unto Jane Orchard, the Granddaughter of Mrs. Jane Orchard, Five pounds. And do likewise resign unto the said Mrs. Orchard for the use of her said Grand-daughter, all the goods that she the said Mrs. Orchard has now in my house. Freely to be devised to her or her order, of or for those aforesaid. And this to be planned within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give unto Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons, the wife of Mr. John Simmons of Corfe Castle; Five pounds. And to her daughter Widler; Five pounds. To be paid within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give unto Gillian? Strong, who was formerly the wife of my late brother James Efford, and now the wife of William Strong of this Town; Five pounds. To be paid within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give unto Jane Sistan, the wife of Thomas Sistan of Parkstone, the sum of Five pounds. To be paid within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give unto Elizabeth A__? of Shaftsbury in this County; Five pounds. And to her son Thomas Five pounds. And to each of her other children 20 Shillings. To be paid within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give unto Elizabeth Amey, the daughter of my late servant Thomas Amey abovesaid; Five pounds. To be paid within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give unto the poor Inhabitants of this Town of Poole; Ten pounds. To be distributed among them by the Overseers of this my Will and Testament, within Two days after my funeral.

Item: I do hereby constitute and appoint Joseph Fabian aforesaid, and Mary Deverell aforesaid, joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament. And do otherwise request and hereby depute my loving friends Viz., John Helland, Collector of his Majesties Customs in this Town; John Russell, Clerk, Minister of this Town; John Willett aforesaid, Scrivener; Mr. Henry Sands of London, Furrier; and Elizabeth Biddlecome aforesaid, my present servant; to be Overseers of this my last Will and Testament. And to advise and assist my said Executors, in performing and Executing all the several bequests and legacies by me therein made. According to the form, intent, and meaning of it. And do likewise ordain that they, or any three of them, shall take care of the performance of this my Will and Testament. And in consideration of the trouble that they may undergo in taking care of the performance of this my Will and Testament, and in advising and assisting my said Executors in the execution thereof, I do give and bequeath unto each of the before named Overseers; Five pounds. To be paid them by the abovesaid my Executors, after all my other Legacies are paid and discharged. Which are to be paid within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give and bequeath unto my Kinsman Nicholas Efford, now Master of the ship Concord, the sum of One hundred pounds. To be paid by my abovenamed Executors within three months after the return of the said ship, the Concord; or the bills of the Voyage.

Item: I do give him my Seal ring, my large silver Bowl, and largest silver Tankard. To be delivered within three months after my decease.

Item: I do give unto John, the eldest son of my Kinsman John Willett, the sum of One hundred pounds. To be paid him when he shall arrive at the age of One and Twenty years. And do appoint that the use of the said hundred pounds, Viz., Six pounds gained; be paid every half year after my decease. [ To ] the father or mother of the child, for the use and behoof, of the said child. And if it shall so happen that the said child shall die before he arrives at the age of One and Twenty years, then I do give the said hundred pounds unto the eldest son of my Kinsman Christopher Reeks, aforesaid.

Item: All the rest of my goods or Estate be it of what kind or nature soever, I do give and bequeath unto my abovenamed Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. Whom I do hereby thangt [ thank ] to be kind and charitable unto the poor. And to give them as I have formerly done. To pay and discharge honestly all the Legacies herein by me given, and all other my just and lawful debts, if any such shall be. And I do hereby disannul and make void, all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made. And likewise, do make void the second section of this my Present Will and Testament. Which is now by my order, cancelled and obliterated. Which did begin with these words, ( Item: I do give and bequeath unto my Kinsman Nicholas Efford Jr. ) and do end with these words, ( to any other person whatsoever ). And likewise I do hereby confirm and approve the interlining of these words, ( John Cleeves, the son of Jane Cleeves, Widow of this Town. ), in the third section of this my Will. And all other, and each, in the Eighteenth section of this my Will. In Witness whereof, I the said Nicholas Efford Sr., to this my last Will and Testament, being contained in One and Twenty sections as they appear noted in the margin, of which the second is utterly cancelled and made void; have set my hand and Seal. The Eleventh day of May, in the Fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign James the Second, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King; or/and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty and Eight. Nicholas Efford. Memorand: those words [ the return of the said ship, the Concord; or the bills of the Voyage ] were interlined, before the Sealing of this Will and Testament. Signed, Sealed and Published in the Presence of Viz. Mary Rolls; Honor Cooper, her mark; John Russell; James Standard; Elizabeth Biddlecome; the mark of Elizabeth Amey.

*Latin Probate at London on June 3, 1690. By Mary Fabian alias Deverell; and Joseph Fabian.

Transcriber Notes:

*Forename variation during the 1700's era, & earlier: Honor_Honora_Hanorah_Hannah_Anne_Susannah_Susan_Sukey

*In similar fashion: Catherine_Kate_Kato

*Per the lines below here, one may expect veritable Poole, Dorset; association. In light of the Will above here, consider such names as below here.

1675. New Perlican. William Halfyard. 1682. New Perlican. William Efford.

1675 & 1682. Old Perlican. John Biddlecome/Bidelcome/Biddlecomb(e).

1682. Old Perlican. Samuel Russell.

1708. Bay de Verde. John Rolles/Rolls/Roles.

*Consider in general; such possible long term, relations/associations, within the early Newfoundland Schemes/States of the Fishery_alias Census'. Inclusive of “much” variant surname spelling.

The author is fully cognizant, that plural “improvements or corrections” are possible in “any” early Newfoundland Census’ file(s), such as the one linked below here. In general, for this particular file as linked below here, variant spellings, including egregious errors; stem from “sometimes” having accessed typed materials, which contained such discrepancies. As opposed to having always accessed “original” material. Though unfortunately, even “original” early Newfoundland Census’ data, lies in an arena containing many examples of variant spelling. Such as Halfyard and Efford, as seen above here. As well, original documents may be faded, and sometimes in poor general condition.

Any improvements, corrections, etc., to the surnames within the file as linked HERE, of a necessity must, and will be, gratefully acknowledged. One could figuratively update many surnames from “off the top” of the brain. However, literal collateral proven updates, may be a more acceptable option.

© 2020 David Anstey and NL GenWeb
Wills Index