In re
Nathan Norman deceased.
This is the last will and testament of me Nathan Norman of Brigus Conception Bay Newfoundland- First, I hereby revoke all former wills by me made and declare this to be my last will and testament-
Second I give and bequeath to my son Munden Norman all that property he at present occupies and which I bought from estate of late Nathaniel Munden, consisting of dwelling house stores and gardens for his own use during his lifetime but with no power to sell, after the decease of my said son the before named house & property shall become his sons lawfully begotten share and share alike- Should my son Munden desire to lease any part of this property he may do so-
Third- I give and bequeath to my eldest son J. William Norman one half of the dwelling house, outhouses and gardens that I now occupy (being I consider a fair set-off for the Munden property given to Munden Norman his brother) for his sole use and benefit during his lifetime but with no power to sell-after the death of my said son J. William Norman the aforesaid one half of the dwelling house before named shall become his son or sons lawfully begotten share and share alike.
Fourth, I give and bequeath to my before named sons J. William and Munden the other half of the dwelling house I now occupy also all my waterside property and stores including houses, stores, outhouses, gardens &c. of the Battery property for their lifetime share and share alike, but with no power to sell, but should my said sons desire to lease the same or any part thereof they are at liberty to do so and I recommend it being so disposed of by them- All rents and profits arising from the same to be equally divided between my two sons share and share alike- after decease of my two aforenamed sons all the before named property and waterside premises shall go to and belong to their male issue lawfully begotten share and share alike-
Fifth- I order and desire that my farm at Springfield also my land in Pan Cake Hr Hill Brigus be sold within twelve months after my decease or before if desired
Fifth- I give and bequeath to my two sons & my daughter Elizabeth Makinson all the furniture contained in my dwelling house in parts as specified in the schedule attached to this will-
Sixth, The proceeds of the sale of my farm and land on Pan Cake Hill Brigus shall (after paying my debts & accounts and testamentary expenses) be divided equally between my two sons J. William and Munden-
Seventh- The residue of my estate of whatever kind I give and bequeath to my two sons aforesaid J. William & Munden-
Eight. I appoint John Wilcox of Brigus, Magistrate, and George Mackinson (my son-in-law) executors of this my last will & testament. In testimony whereof I have set my hand and seal at Brigus this 2nd day of April A.D. 1884, N. Norman (LS) Signed & sealed in presence of J. Wilcox, J. Sinclair Tatt.
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning