NL GenWeb WillsConception Bay North Region ~ Bay Roberts DistrictBay Roberts - Will of Mary French (1854)This will was read, recorded and transcribed by BONNIE HICKEY, November 2000. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. |
Will of Mary French |
Registry of Deeds & Companies Confederation Building, St. John's Vol. 14, pg. 84-85 |
In the Name of God, Amen. I, Mary French, Widow of the late Edward French of the Dock, Bareneed, Port de Grave in the Island of Newfoundland being desirous to dispose of all my worldly property, I commend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the Earth there to await for the general Resurrection at the last day. 1st, This being my last Will and Testament I do give and bequeath to my Grand Daughters Edmund's Children say the Western part of the land and half the Dwelling House the Western part for Mary French and the Eastern part of the land and Dwelling House for Grace French with Outhouses, Cellars, Stages, Flakes, bounded on the North by the main road on the South by the Sea. 1 Glass Picture for Mary French, one Picture for Grace French, one for Mary Batten, one for my Grandson Joseph French, one for Elizabeth Hussey, one for Joseph French, one for Abm French, one for my Grand Daughter Mary Daw, My Bible for my Son Joseph, my Prayer Book for my Daughter Elizabeth Hussey also one Mahogany Arm Chair now in my Son John's House, the Table and Chairs now in possession of my Daughter Mary Batten she is to have them in consideration of my Son Edward owing her money, one round Table for my Son Abraham and the other round Table for my son Joseph, one Silver ladle for my son Abm, 1 Silver Tea Spoon for Abm's Daughter Mary, 1 D'o [ditto] Ed's Mary, 1 D'o D'o [ditto ditto] Grace, all the other spoons to be disposed of as the Executors think proper, my own Bed I give to Edmund's Daughter Mary, the other Bed to Abm's Daughter Mary, the large counterpane to Elizabeth Hussey, the small one to Edward's Daughter Mary, the Clock and looking Glass for Edward's Daughter Mary, the set of China that my son John has in his House to be for Edward's Daughters Mary and Grace, the Kitchen Garden for Mary and Grace French. My Sons Abm and Joseph to have equal Share of the land that is back of my Son John's House, my Son John to have no more of the land than what he occupied at the time of his Father's death. The Piece of land in front of my Son John's House commonly called the Calfs Meadow for my Grandson Edward Batten, one Arm chair for Mary Batten, one chair for my Son John, and one chair for my son Joseph, the large Meadow the North side of the Main Road to be for my Son Abm's two Sons say Edward and Thomas French, Edwards [sic] and Johns [sic] Sons of my Son John to have one Flake each, and that Stage my Son John built since his Father's death to be for Edward and John as named above. All and every part of the property moveable and immoveable not mentioned here to be disposed of as my Executors should think fit. I do hereby appoint George D. Garland and John Newell my Sole Executors to see my Legacies carried into effect. A Head Stone for myself and my Son Edward to be erected and also I am to be buried decently and respectable to be paid for and purchased by those that are to receive these legacies as named before. I do also give to my Son Edward's Daughter Grace 1 Silk Shawl, and 1 Gold ring for Edward Batten, the money that my Son Ed owes G.D. Garland to be paid off the property.
Witnesses Present...
I hereby Certify that the executors of the Will by Mary French the Testatrix of which the foregoing is a true and correct Copy was proved before myself on this Second day of June one thousand eight hundred and fifty four by the Affidavit endorsed thereon of John J. Marten one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and the same is in due course hereby actually Registerd by me on this same day. Given under my hand this Second day of June one thousand eight hundred and fifty four A.D. 1854.
[Transcribed by Bonnie Hickey - much punctuation added!]
© Bonnie Hickey and NL GenWeb