NLGenWeb Wills & Probate Documents

Conception Bay North - Carbonear District


Will of Mary Ferrers of Carbonear (1810)
The information in this will was transcribed by SUSAN SNELGROVE ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors. 

Will of Mary Ferrers of Carbonear (1810)

In the Name of God, Amen. I MARY FERRERS of Carbonear in Conception Newfoundland, being of sound and disposing mind & memory, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form fowlowing, that is to say,

I bequeth unto my only daughter MARIA FERRERS for divers good causes, and valuable considerations me hereunto have given and granted, and by these presents do give grant and confirm unto MARIA FERRERS of Boston, all and singular my goods, chattels, house hold stuff, and all other my substance whatsoever in whose hands, custody, possession or keeping soever, the same are, or can or may be found, to have and to hold, all and singular the said goods, chattles, & household stuff whatsoever of me the said MARY FERRERS unto the said MARIA FERRERS & her Executors, Administrators and Assigns, from henceforth to her and their own proper use & uses thereof, and therewith to do, order and dispose, at her or their wills and pleasure, as of their own proper goods & chattles, freely and peaceably, & quietly, without any manner of dett, Trouble or Denial of me the said MARY FERRERS or any other person or persons whatsoever of all such premises I the said MARY FERRERS have put the said MARIA FERRERS in full & peaceable possession by virtue hereof.

In Witness whereof I the said MARY FERRERS have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and ten.


MARY FERRERS (x her mark)

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© 2002 Susan Snelgrove & Stephen Baker