Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors



Will of Mary Squires from Newfoundland will books volume 4 pages 273 to 276 probate year 1883.
Transcriber’s Note: Hand-written in the margin next to this will the initials M.K.G. and M.H.C.

In re
          Mary Squires deceased.

I Mary Squires of Bellvue Longpond in Conception Bay wife of George Squires of same place Farmer and Constable hereby revoke all wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me and declare this to be my last will.

First I direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses shall be paid.

Second, I give devise and bequeath all the goods chattels property and estate and effects of which I may die possessed to my executors hereinafter named but under and subject to the trusts and purposes hereinafter mentioned that is to say on trust as regards the lot of land and premises known as Bellvue where I now reside to sell the same and out of the proceeds of such sale to take the sum of twenty pounds for a monument to be erected to the memory of myself and of my late husband Thomas Tobin and of my son Michael Tobin and my granddaughter Ellen Tobin also the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid to my present husband George Squires and as regards what will remain of the said proceeds of sale after making the payments above mentioned I direct that it shall be invested by my said executors and the annual interest thereof by them paid one fourth thereof to the widow of my son John Tobin for the maintenance and support of the female children of my said son And the remaining three fourths thereof shall be paid in equal proportions amongst the children of my son Thomas of my daughters Sarah now the wife of Michael Kearney of my daughter Ellen now the wife of Edward Sinnott and of my son Michael that is to say one fourth part of such remaining three fourths to be divided amongst the children of each of the said families.     And as regards the principal money so invested I direct that it shall be by my said executors divided amongst the said families in like proportions as those in which the said interest is payable the share of each family of such principal money to be paid when the youngest child of that family shall have attained the age of twenty one years.

As regards that piece of land formerly belonging to Michael Tobin containing about twenty acres and situate opposite to the said Bellvue lot on the south side of the main road from St. John’s to Holyrood in trust to hold the same for the use and benefit of my granddaughters Mary, Annie and Bridget daughters of my son Michael Tobin as separate estate free and clear of the debts liabilities and control of any husband they may have

As regards the lot lately bought by me from Thomas Tobin of Manuels Farmer by deed dated the _____ day of June A.D. 1882 and bounded on the west by land belonging to estate of late Michael Tobin on the east by land owned by Jane Morgan on the north by the public road and on the south by waste land in trust as regards that lot on the west side thereof which was under fence by the said Michael Tobin in trust for my granddaughter Mary daughter of the said Michael Tobin And as regards the remainder of said lot in trust for my son William now living in Harbor Grace for his lifetime and after his decease if he should leave him surviving a son named Thomas and a daughter named Mary then in trust to assign same to them in equal shares, but should he die without leaving him surviving children so named then in trust to divide the said share to and amongst my other sons in equal proportions the children of deceased sons to represent their parents-

As regards the lot of land containing about thirty acres and bounded on the west by the Bellvue lot on the south by the main road from St. John’s to Holyrood on the east by Manuels Road and on the north by Neils land in trust for my son James for his life provided he pays as rent for the same the sum of five shillings per year to my said executors and after his death if he leave children him surviving bearing the names of Thomas and Mary then to these children in equal shares and if no such children then to the sons of my sons John and Thomas.

As regards the lot of land I bought of W. Page and situate opposite the Church of England in Topsail in trust to hold the same for the use and benefit of Mary Mercer my daughter as separate estate     And as regards the lot of land formerly belonging to Patrick Clooney and bounded on the west by land bought of Page as above mentioned on the south by the main road aforesaid and on the east by land of George Smith Junior in trust as regards six feet wide thereof adjoining the house of Robert Mercer on the east side to hold the same for the use and benefit of the said Mary Mercer as separate estate.     And as regards the rest of the said lot in trust to sell and dispose of the same and out of the proceeds of such sale to take the sum of one hundred pounds and interest the same as they may think proper and apply the annual interest thereof towards the maintenance of a fence around the Roman Catholic Cemetery at Topsail also the sum of five pounds to be paid to the Reverend Michael P. Morris And to Revd L. Vereker Five pounds for Masses for the repose of my soul And to Bishop Power ten pounds for a High Mass for repose of my soul And as regards what will remain of the said proceeds of sale I direct that it shall be paid over to my daughter Sarah Kearney-

And as regards the lot of land now in possession of my son Thomas and the lot which I bought of one Neil in trust for the use and benefit of my said son Thomas for his lifetime and after his decease for such of his children as he may by will or other writing direct and if no such will or direction for his children in equal proportions amongst them,

And as regards the lot of land formerly owned by Slater containing about twenty acres I have by deed dated the ninth day of May instant assigned the same to Michael Kearney and Sarah his wife-

I bequeath to my husband George Squires one bed and bedding-

  • To my son Thomas Tobin two beds and bedding-
  • To my granddaughter Mary daughter of my son Michael one bed and bedding one chest of drawers No. 5 one dozen knives and forks one looking glass one haircloth sofa, the clock in breakfast room.
  • To my granddaughter Annie daughter of Mich Tobin one bed and bedding one bedroom table No. 5, one half set of china white and purple, one dozen knives and forks, one looking glass one haircloth sofa
  • To Mary Ellen Sinnott one bed and bedding,
  • To my daughter Sarah Kearney one bed and bedding one wardrobe
  • To my granddaughter Mamie Kearney one mahogany table, one brass skillet one set of dish covers one table bed room No. 5, also seven pictures, viz. Arrival H.R.H. Prince of Wales, Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius IX, Bishop Mullock, Irish celebrities, 2 pictures, St. Patrick also one sofa, rocking chair, two mahogany tables, one walnut table, six chairs, all these in bedroom, also one toureen and ladle, one coffee pot one set china, white and gold, one large mirror, one oil painting, picture Italian girl, Picture Bishop Power, two globes flowers one globe wax flowers three green jugs,
  • To my son-in-law Michael Kearney saddle and bridle-
  • To my daughter-in-law Mrs. John Tobin four beds, one for each daughter and one for her son John Thomas,
  • To Mary Ellen Tobin daughter of John the picture La Lecture and the large mirror in Green Room-
  • To my son Thomas five pictures, viz The Sultana, the Gold Finder, Memory of his father, The Chase and R.C. Cathedral two truckly wheels and some knives and forks-
  • To my daughter Ellen Sinnott one round table, one globe of flowers one dozen of silver forks, four table spoons and three pictures, viz, Father Rorke- Baptism of Christ, Christ healing the sick.
  • To my son-in-law Edward Sinnott the picture of Robert Emmett,
  • To my grandson David Tobin the bronze clock.
  • To Mrs. Ellen Sinnott one set of knives and forks, new-
  • To my husband George Squires the picture of Bishop Mullock.
  • The shop goods in Bellvue House are to be divided as follows:

  • To Annie Tobin (Michl) a trunk containing pocket handkerchiefs, cottons &c.
  • To Thomas Tobin a piece of black cloth wrapped up in red cotton and to his children some pieces of cloth wrapped up in drab cloth.
  • The remainder of my shop goods I direct my executors to divide amongst my granddaughters Mary and Annie and my daughter Sarah Kearney with the exception of two small pieces of plaid which I bequeath to my son Thomas-
  • I bequeath five of my dresses to Mrs. Anne Squires one to Mrs. Kent, two to Alice Neil, one green dress and scarf to Jane Nugent and a piece of tweed two and a half yards to my son James-
  • to my daughter Ellen Sinnott six pairs green and gold hangings and to Mrs. Kearney four pairs red hangings.
  • To my daughter Sarah I leave my crucifix and to my granddaughters Mary and Annie Tobin I leave all the remainder of my effects which may be in Bellvue House at the time of my death-
  • I hereby nominate and appoint my friends Messrs. Moses Monroe and William Murphy of St. John’s executors of this my will.     Witness my hand at Bellvue aforesaid this twenty fourth day of May Anno Domini 1883.     Mary her X mark Squires.     Signed by the said testatrix as and for her last will and testament by affixing her mark thereto in our presence who in her presence at her request and in presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses on the day and year and at the place above written. (The alteration matter with our initials being first made) M.K. Greene M.H. Carty.

    Certified correct,
    D. M. Browning

    © Judy Benson, Ivy Benoit and NL GenWeb