I, Mary Russell, Widow of the late William Russell, of Coley's Point, in the Island of Newfoundland, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do give, devise & bequeath, all my share in the property of the late Frederick Fradsham late of Danarth Street, Newport, in the County of Monmouth, England, Nail Manufacturer, to my children William, Stephen and Mary Russell, and my two grand-sons, William and Stewart French, the said property or proceeds of said property to be divided into five equal shares, two of which I bequeath to my daughter Mary Russell and one share to my son William Russell, one share to my son Stephen Russell, and one share to be divided equally between my two grand-sons, the said William and Stewart French, to have and to hold the same to their heirs and assigns for ever. And lastly, I do nominate and appoint my two sons, William and Stephen Russell to be the Executors of this my will and testament of the said property. In witness whereof I set my hand and Seal this twenty-third day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and twenty four. MARY her X mark RUSSELL Jas Norman ) Witness of mark
Signed in the presence of the ) undersigned witnesses. ) John Bowering (of Thos) Carpenter ) Jas Norman, School Teacher. )
William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat August
Kent J.
Probate granted
to Stephen
August 31/26.
Estate sworn
at $450.00