Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors


Will of Mary Elizabeth Nuttall from Newfoundland will books volume 4 pages 195-196 probate year 1882


In re
         Mary E. Nuttall deceased.

This is the last will and testament of me Mary Elizabeth Nuttall, widow of the late John C. Nuttall of Brigus, Conception Bay, Newfoundland.     I give and bequeath to my daughters Mary Henrietta Shrieve Nuttall and Sophia Gertrude Nuttall all my real and personal property that I may die possessed of and the rents and profits of the same for their use and benefit during their natural lives and upon the death of the survivor of them I give devise and bequeath the same to be divided amongst my children and their representatives share and share alike, the children of each of my sons and daughters who may be deceased taking the share of their parent between them-     Provided however that should my said two daughters or the survivor of them require it for their support and maintenance they or she may dispose of so much of my said property for that purpose as they or she may think necessary, and provided further that in case of the marriage of my said two daughters or either of them then and from the time of such marriage they or she shall not have any further claim upon my said property beyond their share of the same with my other children upon its distribution which shall take place upon their marriage or death.     And I hereby appoint Thomas Stabb of St. John’s, Merchant, and Mary Henrietta Shrieve Nuttall executor and executrix of this my will-     In witness whereof I have affixed my signature this 20th day of October A.D. 1879.     M.E. Nuttall.     Witnesses J. Wilcox,     Mary Keating.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

© Judy Benson, Ivy Benoit and NL GenWeb