NFGenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North

Harbour Grace - Will of Lawrence Keefe, 1855

Registry of Deeds & Companies
Confederation Building, St. John’s, NF

Vol. 14, Page 180

Will of Lawrence Keefe

This is the last Will and Testament of me, Lawrence Keefe, of Harbor Grace in the Island of Newfoundland, Shipowner. I Will and bequeath to my dearly beloved sons William Keefe, James Keefe, Thomas Keefe and Richard Keefe, my Schooner called the “Maria” with all her gear and materials as she now lies in Harbor Grace, also all my Fishing Room and Property at Corbets Harbor, Labrador. To my dearly beloved Wife, Rebecca Keefe, I give and bequeath all my Money funded and unfunded for the use of herself and my three younger Children, that is to say Edmund John Keefe, Michael Keefe and Frances Keefe. I will and bequeath the ground I purchased from William Charles Saint John, Esquire, to my Daughter, Frances Keefe. I give and bequeath my interest in the House I now live in to my Wife, Rebecca Keefe. I hereby nominate and appoint my dearly beloved Wife, Rebecca Keefe, Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Harbor Grace aforesaid this Twenty eighth day of July one thousand eight hungred and fifty five A.D. 1855.

Lawrence his X mark Keefe {Seal}

Signed, Sealed and delivered by the within named Testator putting his mark and seal to this last Will and Testament the same having first been read over and explained to the said Lawrence Keefe in his hearing and in our hearing.

John Stark
Arch’d Munn
Richard Condon

I hereby certify that the execution of the Will of which the foregoing is a true and correct Copy by Lawrence Keefe the Testator party thereto was proved before myself on the Twenty third day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty five by the Affidavit endorsed thereon of Richard Condon one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and the same is in due course hereby actually Registered be my this day. Given under my hand at the Registrars Office Harbor Grace this First day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifty five A.D. 1855.

John Stark, Registrar.

[punctuation added, B.H.]

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