Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove from wills held at the London Public Records Office
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors






I JONATHON WEBBER of HARBOUR GRACE Conception Bay Newfoundland finding myself at present weak and afflicted in body yet enjoying perfect soundness of mind and memory blessed be God for this? and knowing the certainty of Death and uncertainty of this mortal life do think it necessary to make this my last will and testament and first I commit my soul into the hands of God who gave it and my Body to the Earth there to be decently deposited according to the discretion of my Executors in sure and certain hope of a Resurrection to Everlasting life and my worldly goods I leave and bequeath them as follows viz: I leave and bequeath unto CHARLOTTE my dearly beloved and only DAUGHTER her heirs etc all my ffishing Room and Plantation in HARBOUR GRACE aforesaid together with all the buildings to say dwelling House stores cow house stages fflag? buildings thereon in as full and ample manner as hitherto possessed by me also two pieces of meadow ground on HARBOUR GRACE ISLAND the North East part and one on the North west part of the said Island also two pews in the Church of Harbour Grace and all my possessions in Harbour Grace or elsewhere excepting of what shall be hereafter mentioned and all my goods and effects of every kind also I leave and bequeath unto my said DAUGHTER CHARLOTTE five hundred pounds sterling which is now lodged in the hands of JACOB THRALL Merchant of the City of BRISTOL three hundred pounds sterling of the same bearing interest at four percent per annum and two hundred pounds sterling of the same not bearing interest also I leave and bequeath unto her my said DAUGHTER CHARLOTTE one hundred pounds sterling which is now cash in my house in Harbour Grace aforesaid I leave and bequeath unto my beloved WIFE ANN all the rest and residue of the money (say cash in my house in Harbour Grace aforesaid or in the hands of Mr. JACOB THRALL aforesaid) that shall remain over and above the six hundred pounds sterling aforesaid bequeathed to my DAUGHTER CHARLOTTE as aforesaid. Also I leave and bequeath to her the full and free use and possession of three rooms in my dwelling house in HR GRACE viz the west and on the upper ffloor one of which rooms has a ffire place in it also the western kitchen garden before the dwelling house to have and to hold the same during her natural life also I leave and bequeath her two cows which are to be maintained upon the plantation aforesaid free during her natural life I leave and bequeath to my dearly beloved MOTHER MARY WEBBER five pounds sterling annum to be paid her yearly and every year during her natural life by my DAUGHTER CHARLOTTE her heirs or by those that shall inherit the plantation aforesaid also I leave and bequeath her five pounds sterling to be paid by my Executors immediately upon my decease to buy a suit of mourning. I leave and bequeath to PATIENCE DAVIS as a token of my regard ten pounds sterling and one cow and calf to be paid and delivered her on the day of her marriage by my Executors all the rest and residue of my live stock to say cows sheep oxen etc and all my possessions goods and chattels I leave and bequeath to my dearly beloved DAUGHTER CHARLOTTE hereby empowering her in case she should die without issue to dispose of the plantation aforesaid by will and testament as she may think proper with the reserve of providing as aforesaid for my MOTHER during her natural life further my will and desire is that all my just debts may be speedily discharged by my DAUGHTER CHARLOTTE and I hereby bequeath her all the just debts that may appear to be due to me of others and I do hereby constitute and appoint my DAUGHTER CHARLOTTE WEBBER and MR. JOHN STRETTON Merchant? of HR GRACE to be my Executors and do hereby empower them to regulate all my accounts and to with every person with whom I have now any ? in Business it necessary and to see that this my last Will and Testament be duly effected and I do hereby make will and ? all former wills Testaments bearing my name and pronounced and declare this to be my only true last will and testament given under my hand and seal this 16th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. JONATHAN WEBBER signed sealed and pronounced to be his only true last Will and Testament in the presence of us where no stamp paper is used FRANCIS FERRERS, JAMES CORBEN, HENRY TUCKER

District of Conception Bay Newfoundland. These are to certify to all whom it may concern that the foregoing is a copy of the original lodged and recorded in our Court CHAS GARLAND JP ROBT HOLDER JP

District of Conception Bay December 9th 1786. This Day personally appeared before us CHARLES GARLAND and ROBERT HOLDER Esqrs his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the aforesaid District JOHN STRETTON who voluntarily maketh Oath upon the holy Evangelists that on or about the 16th day of March in the Year of our Lord 1784 he did at the request of MR. JONATHON WEBBER of HARBOR GRACE Deceased make or write his last will and testament of which the above is a true copy with the ? undermentioned within the ? use and in 37th do ? 39 ditto ? 68 do duly tru 75th do? JN STRETTON sworn before me in HARBOUR GRACE the day and ? aforementioned. CHA GARLAND ROBT HOLDER

On the third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven administration with a copy of the Will annexed of all and singular the goods chattels and ? of JONATHAN WEBBER late of HARBOUR GRACE Conception Bay Newfoundland deceased was granted to GEORGE KEMP the lawful attorney of CHARLOTTE WEBBER, SPINSTER the Daughter of the said deceased and JOHN STRETTON the Executors named in the said Will to whom administration was granted limited until the said Original will or a more authentic copy thereof shall be brought into and left in the Registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury for the use and benefit of the said Executors now residing at HARBOUR GRACE aforesaid having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer.


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