I Jonathan Parsons of Vilage Bears Cove Harbor Grace being of Sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testamentary dispositions heretofore at any time by me made I hereby appoing my Brother George Parsons and Alexander Squires poor Commisioner to be the executors of my will -
I hereby bequeath to my wife Harriet Parsons the House I am now living in Bears Cove Hr. Grace and Premises as long as she holds my name - absolutely, Andrew Parsons shall have the out youse of the Barn to put hay in if he feels disposed to do so, and the Right any to that House, he is to keep it in repair There shall not be removed or taken out of the House a single thing onles specified by me or what I may give, or what is my wife’s own - if Andrew Parsons will pay into the Savings Bank of Harbor Grace or cause to be paid Thirty dollars, yearly to my wife Harriet Parsons or give her as a quivalent to Thirty dollars as long as she holds my name. After that the house I am now living in shall be by son Andrew Parsons or who he may give it to. he must consent to do what I have just said he may take possession and cultivate the land and have all the proceeds for himself.
The House that H.H. Parsons is now living in the House owes me Three hundred & Thirty dollars with Interest at 5 per cent, from the day I bough it until, now April 15/1907. If not paid April 15th/1910 it shall be put under rent until it is paid and the moneys put in the Hr. Grace Savings Bank. And in the event of my son Herbert Henry not complying with the conditions of my will then said house shall be the property of my Grandson Frank son of Herbert on conditions that said house shall be a home for said Herbert as his absolute right. Also that Herbert father of Frank be his guardian concerning said property till said Frank becomes of age
I also devise and bequeath unto my son Andrew the house and property he now lives on in Bennetts lane on the condition that he shall pay yearly to my wife Harriet Parsons the sum of twenty dollars or equivalent of twenty dollars yearly so long as she holds my name and after my wife Harriet marries again or dies said property shall be the sole property of my son Andrew according to conditions of Bill of Sale of said property.
It is also my will that Herbert Henry pay to my wife Harriet while she remain the same, an annual rental of six dollars It is also my will that the interest of a sum of money belonging to me now in the Bank of Nova Scotia be paid annually to my wife Harriet on conditions as before stated viz so long as she holds my name by order from my Executors, and in the event of my wife marrying again or should she die the said interest to be paid for two years to the Methodist Missionary fund and it is my will that eventually the principal of said money be equally divided between my three daughters In witness whereof I herewith set my hand and seal this second day of June 1907 Jonathan Parsons (LS) In presence of us John Trapnell Samuel Taylor.
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Aug. 20. 07
Aug 20. 07
granted to
Estate sworn
at $1751.00