NFGenWeb Wills & Probate Documents

Conception Bay North - Harbour Grace District

Upper Island Cove

Will of John Young of Upper Island Cove (1816)
The information in this will was transcribed by JANE ANNE MacKINNON ~ January 2002 from a copy of the original document. While I have tried to be as careful as possible, there could be errors.

Will of John Young of Upper Island Cove 1816

In the Probate Court Saint John’s Newfoundland

I, John Young of Upper Island Cove in Conception Bay, being infirm of body but of a sound mind and memory do this sixteenth say of December in the Year of our Lord 1816 make and publish this my last Will and Testament, in manner following. That is to say, First, I will and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be fully paid and discharged. Also I do hereby Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my son John Young, from and immediately after my decease, all that my Fishing Plantation with the dwelling houses, meadow, gardens belonging to the same, to him, his heirs and Assigns, but in case my said son should happen to die without heirs then and in such case I do hereby Give, Devise and Bequeath the same unto my daughters that shall be then living to them their heirs and Assigns for ever, share and share alike. And my Will is that my wife Ann shall during her widowhood remain on the said plantation and be allowed a sufficient maintenance, but in case she should, after my decease, marry again she shall not from thenceforth be entitled to any part of my property whatever.

And I further declare and my will is that William Jones, my nephew shall enjoy during his life that part of my plantation he always possessed, free of any rent, tax or imposition whatever.

Also I do hereby Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth, wife of John Lundragan, two years after my decease, the sum of Fifty pounds lawful money of Great Britain. Also I do hereby Give Devise and Bequeath unto my daughter Patience, wife of Jacob Phelan, two years after my decease the sum of Fifty pound lawful money of Great Britain. Also I do hereby Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my grandson John, son of John Bishop, deceased, immediately on his arriving at the age of twenty one years, the sum of Forty pounds lawful money of Great Britain. Also I do hereby give and Bequeath unto my daughter Jane immediately on her marriage the sum of One Hundred and Ten pounds lawful money of Great Britain with liberty of living on my said plantation until married. Also I do hereby Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Sarah immediately on her marriage the sum of One Hundred pounds lawful money of Great Britain with liberty of remaining on my room or plantation until that time. Also I do hereby Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Mary Ann immediately on her marriage the sum of One Hundred pounds lawful money of Great Britain with liberty of remaining on my room or plantation until that time.

The remaining part of my money and effects which now lies in the hands of W. William Danson of Bristol, Merchant, and also whatever money or effects shall remain in the hands of W. John Gosse of Poole, Merchant, or in the hands of any other person or persons whatsoever, I do hereby give and bequeath the same unto my said son John Young immediately on his arrival at the age of twenty one years, but before that period of time to be dealt out in such parts and parcels as my Executors in Trust shall deem necessary for his support and carrying on his business in the fishery line. Also all the remaining part of my goods, chattels, and personal estate, I do hereby give and bequeath the same unto my said son John, making provision for and providing a proper maintenance for his mother during her widowhood, as I have hereinbefore directed.

And I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Oliver St. John of Harbor Grace, Merchant and William Lampen of said place, Schoolmaster, Executors in Trust of this my last Will and Testament, revoking all former will or wills by me heretofore made, declaring this to be my true last Will and Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year before written. 1816.

John Young (Legal Seal)

Signed Sealed, published and declared
by the Testator John Young as and for his
last Will and Testament in presence of us
who have subscribed our names as Witnesses

John Goss (?)
Rich. Baggs
Joseph Baggs

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© 2002 Jane Anne MacKinnon, Bonnie Hickey & NL GenWeb