Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books volume 2 page 222 probate year 1857

Will of John Whelan


The last will and testament of John Whelan Planter of Brigus Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland First my vessel the "John" is to be sold immediately she arrives from the seal fishery with all her gear the purchase money with the proceeds of the voyage, if any, after my just and lawful debts are liquidated are to be placed at interest on good security. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my wife Susanna the sum of fifty pounds currency yearly and every year for the support of herself and child as long as my wife Susanna continues unmarried and alive in the event of her marrying again or in case of her death the aforesaid fifty pounds is then to be appropriated towards the support maintenance and education of my daughter Ann Maria at the discretion of my executors whom I appoint to be her guardians until she attains the full age of twenty one years After my daughter Ann maria has arrived at the age of twenty one years the whole sum so placed at interest shall be at her own disposal Should my daughter Ann Maria die before she attains the age of twenty one years the sum so placed at interest shall be equally divided between my bothers James, Stephen, and George unless my wife Susanna still continues unmarried. Thirdly, I give and bequeath my household furniture to my daughter Ann maria. My Quadrant charts books and medicine chest I give to my brother James. My fowling piece I give to my brother Stephen. My watch I give to my brother George And I nominate and appoint Mr. James Willcocks and Mr. John Bartlett to be my executors of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six.

John Whelan (LS)

Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator on the day of the date hereof in our presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the due execution thereof,

Edgar Stirling, James Whelan.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

©Judy Benson and NL GenWeb