NL GenWeb

Transcribed by Marilyn Pilkington.  While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.


Surrogate Court

Harbour Grace

Friday, February 16, 1816

 Present: The Rev. F.H. Carrington

Messrs. Rob Johnston & Co.

To recover for amount of accounts furnished. Writs issued the 26 of January, returnable the 9th Instant, brought forward this Day versus

John Warford ___ in the sum of 15 8 8 ___ 1 4 6
Patrick Ryan ___ in the sum of 72 2 3 ___ 2 2 6
Timothy Collins ___ in the sum of 8 12 9 ___ 1 4 6
Rick Marshall ___ in the sum of 9 5 2 ___ 1 4 6

Judgment in favour of the Plaintiff with Costs.

Surrogate Court
Harbour Grace Thursday,
March 28, 1816

To the Rev F.H. Carrington, Surrogate

Sir— Having got Judgment in your court against the following persons—we have to request that Writs of Execution may be issued against them.

We are respectfully,
Your most Obe(dient) servants

Signed—R. Johnston & Co.

Spaniard’s Bay Timothy Collins 9 17 3 With costs included
Harbour Grace John Warford   16 13 2 Judgment issued
Harbour Grace Patrick Ryan   75 4 9 July 16
Harbour Grace Rich Marshall   10 9 8  

Harbour Grace Patrick Conway   132 10 10 Costs 4.4.10
Carbonear Philip Hisock   4 6 6 Costs __ 1.10
            Judgment 20 December

Ordered that Writs of Execution may be issued accordingly, which was therefore done made returnable the 11th April.

© Marilyn Pilkington and NL GenWeb