Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books vol 1 page 424 and 425 probate year after 1840

Will of John Sheppard Sr.
In re

John Sheppard Sr. deceased.

In the name of God, Amen. I John Sheppard Senior of Cupits in Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland Planter this twenty eighth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty do make and declare this my last will and testament revoking all other and former wills in the name(?) and form following,

First I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named and for my real and personal estate I give and dispose thereof in manner and form following,

First to my wife Mary the whole of my property I now possess while she live and after my(?) decease the whole of my landed property in Cupits to be divided into four equal parts, viz.

Secondly, to my son Henry Sheppard one fourth part of my Room to commence from the fence of William Noseworthy’s room including my part of the stage westward.

Thirdly I give to my son Esau Sheppard one fourth part of my room next to my son Henry’s and after his decease to his protestant son or sons including the eastern part of my dwelling house also the stable and cellar I give to my daughter Mary a piece of ground which will be pointed out by my executors on Esau’s part.

Fourthly, I give to my son Jordan one fourth part of my Room next to my son Esau and after his decease to his son or sons with western part of my dwelling house.

Fifthly, I give to my son John Sheppard one fourth part of my Room next to my son Jordan’s and after his decease to his son or sons bounded on the west by Samuel Noseworthy with the small store west of my dwelling house to be removed on his part. The whole of my household furniture to be divided equally amongst the whole of my children to be decided by my executors should there be any article that cannot be divided to be sold among my children and the money to be divided also what cattle I have after my decease to be sold and the money to be divided. The two pews in the Chapple the large one I give to my son John Sheppard and his children, the small pew in the Gallery to my grandson Charles Sheppard of Henry. Should there be any money or property not in here named after my wife’s decease to be equally divided as above. And lastly I do nominate and appoint Jonas Soper and Henry Sheppard to be my joint executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. John his X mark Sheppard, Sr.

Signed sealed and delivered in presence of witness, Phillip Bennett.

Certified correct

D.M. Browning


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