Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be
some typographical errors
Newfoundland will books volume 3 pages 457 to 459 probate year 1876.
Will of John Neal |
In re JOHN NEAL: DECEASED. This name is spelled Neal and Neil in the will and Neal in the will index.This is the last will and testament of me John Neil of Harbor Grace being of a sound and disposing mind memory and understanding First I give devise and bequeath my dwelling house outhouses horse and cows and everything the said houses contain and all the land adjoining the aforesaid dwelling house and outhouses and all that piece of land situate on the north side of Kildare Road (containing twenty five acres of land) and bounded on the south by Kildare Road aforesaid, on the north and east by unclaimed land and on the west by land belonging to James Farrell And all that piece of land situate and being on the north west side of the Race course and contains five acres one rood and twenty six perches unto my wife Bridget Neil for and during her natural life and from and immediately after her death I give devise and bequeath a small piece of land adjoining the dwelling house to my daughter Bridget Miller and situate and being on the east side thereof, the said piece of land to be equal to a square of eight feet by the breadth of the dwelling house of the said Bridget Miller unto my daughter Bridget Miller aforesaid Also I give devise and bequeath all that portion of my land adjoining my dwelling house aforesaid that is bounded on the east by a road leading to my dwelling house aforesaid the length of the said boundary being seventy five yards, on the south by a road leading to the Race course, and is forty one yards in length, on the west partly by land belonging to Bridget Miller aforesaid and partly by land belonging to Robert Walsh, the said boundary extends thirty one yards from Bridget Miller’s land northward, the northern boundary extends in a straight line from the northern extremity of the east boundary to the northern extremity of the east boundary to the northern extremity of the west boundary and measures one hundred and twenty one yards unto my daughter Margaret Neil, but provided that the said Margaret Neil should die and leave no child or children then I give devise and bequeath one half the same piece of land unto my son Thomas Neil And also I give devise and bequeath one half the same piece of land unto my son Michael Neil, Should he the said Michael Neil not return to Newfoundland then I give devise and bequeath the said one half the said piece of land unto my daughter Bridget Miller aforesaid. And also I give devise and bequeath my dwelling houses outhouses horse and cows and everything said dwelling house and outhouses contain and all the remainder of the land adjoining my dwelling house aforesaid and all the land situate and being on the north side of Kildare Road hereinbefore described and all the land situate and being on the north west side of the Race Course aforesaid unto my children that is to say to such or so many or either of them as my wife Bridget Neil aforesaid may by her last will and testament in writing pronounce and declare And I do hereby make ordain constitute and appoint my son Thomas Neil aforesaid sole executor to this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other wills and testaments by me at any time hereto fore made In witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set and subscribed my hand and seal at Harbor Grace aforesaid this the fourteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one,
John his X mark Neil (LS) Signed sealed and delivered by the said John Neil as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto, Michael Scully, John O’Keefe. The words “west” and “not” are interlined the former immediately under the fourteenth line and the latter immediately under the fiftieth line, Michael Scully, John O’Keefe.