Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Another transcription may be found here: John McGee

Newfoundland will books volume 3 pages 404-405 probate year 1875.

Will of John McGee


This name is spelled McGee in the will and Magee in the will index.

The last will and testament of John McGee. I John McGee of Salmon Cove in the Northern District of the Island of Newfoundland Shopkeeper and farmer do make and publish this my last will and testament in the manner and form following that is to say First I give and bequeath unto my wife Mary McGee all my lands, houses and all my other effects during her natural life; provided that should my said wife Mary McGee marry again then in that case she is to have no further claim to the aforesaid lands, houses or effects bequeathed to her but the said lands houses and effects will fall into the hands of my daughter Catherine McGee. I also give and bequeath unto my said daughter Catherine McGee after the death or marriage of my said wife Mary McGee all my lands houses and all my other effects that may remain after the death or marriage of my said wife Mary McGee.

And I do further order that should my said wife Mary McGee survive my daughter Catherine McGee it shall not be in the power of my said wife to bequeath, sell or make over my aforesaid lands houses or effects to any person or persons unless my nearest heir or heirs; provided further that should my said wife be in distress and my aforesaid heirs be not willing to render her any assistance it shall be in the power of my said wife to sell or convey my aforesaid lands, houses or effects to any person or persons whatsoever. I also give and bequeath unto my brother Michael McGee my land situated at Gasters. I hereby appoint Edward O*Brien and William Flinn executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy one.

John his X mark McGee (LS) Witness, Edward O*Brien, William Flynn.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

©Judy Benson and NL GenWeb