In the year one thousand eight hundred & seventy eight The last will and testament of John Lockyer Sr Planter, Bay de Verde, Newfoundland, written in manner and form following. In the name of God Amen. I, John Lockyer Sr being at this present, in great weakness of body, but of good memory, do make and ordain my last testament, in form and manner following- I commend in humble manner both my body and soul into the hands of the Blessed Trinity- My poor sinful soul I commend into the hands of God, the Father, who has created it, into the hands of God the Son, my merciful Redeemer who hath redeemed it, into the hands of God the Holy Ghost, who hath sanctified it and after an unspeakable manner infused His Grace into it in preserving me His unworthy servant from innumerable evils whereunto by the corruption of my nature, I had often fallen. And for my earthly body I bequeath it to Christian burial in the church of England graveyard, in the place where it shall please God to call me out of this mortal life-
I give devise and bequeath to my grandson John Lockyer, for his own use and benefit, the feather bed belonging to my late son Joseph- I give devise and bequeath to my eldest son William for his own use and benefit the garden belonging to me which he now holds in possession I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Theresa for her own use and benefit another garden belonging to me which she now at present occupies
I give devise and bequeath to my youngest son John, my house, furniture, household effects, gardens (not herein before bequeathed) stage, fishing room, flakes, punts, nets, fishing plant and my estate and effects, both real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoever, and of what nature and quality soever, all for his own use and benefit with this only proviso, viz- That my lawful wife Sarah if she survive me is to be provided with a full & decent maintenance & support by my aforesaid son John his heirs & executors, and that during the term of her natural life, she is to occupy her usually accustomed place in the chimney corner or wheresoever else she may elect and I further desire & entreat my aforesaid son John, his heirs & executors not to submit her to any offence or inconvenience, nor in any manner whatsoever to interfere with her comfort in the house- And I hereby appoint my esteemed friends and neighbours William Barter and Henry Stephens (both of Bay de Verde the executors of this my last will and testament- In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred & seventy seven John his X mark Lockyer (LS) Signed and sealed by the said John Lockyer in the presence of us, present at the same time, who in his presence, & in the presence of each other, attest & subscribe our names as witnesses hereto George M. Chamberlain Clerk in Holy Orders William Barter Henry Stephins Charles Blundon Joseph X his mark Lockyer Witnesses Bay de Verde 19 December 1877
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Apr 27/16
Admn c.t.a.
May 5/16
granted to
John Lockyer
(the execr
named in
the will
having died
having obtained
Estate sworn
at $900.00
John Lockyer
Jos F. O’Neil
Andrew Moore
(of Thos)