NFGenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North Region ~ Carbonear District
Perry's Cove - Land Record of John King (1837)
This will was read, recorded and transcribed by SUSAN SNELGROVE, November 1999. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. 

Land Record of John King of Perry's Cove (1837)

JOHN KING of Perry’s Cove TO WILLIAM KING - 1837

{and other Grandsons – Charles & John Moors}

Know all men that I, John King of Perry’s Cove, in consideration of natural love and affection, have given and granted and do by these presents freely and absolutely give and grant unto my son William, the one half part of that portion of my Fishing Room and Plantation situate at Perry’s Cove aforesaid which lies south of Perry’s Cove Brook, Dwelling House, Cellar, Gardens, fences, ways, paths, passages & whatsoever doth to the same in any wise appertain or belong to be and continue unto my said son William and his heirs from henceforth forever.

Also, unto my Grandsons Charles and John Moors, the Potatoe Garden on the North side of the said Brook with the Dwelling House, Cellar and Cabbage Garden on the South side of the said Brook, together with the fences, ways, paths, passages and whatsoever doth to the same in any wise appertain or belong, all which is now in the occupancy of their father William Moors.

And further, I do in like manner hereby give and grant unto William and James, my grandsons the sons of James, and to Henry Richard, my grandson the son of Richard, all the residue and remainder of my said Fishing Room and Plantation lying upon and on both sides of the said Brook at Perry’s Cove, together with a Fishing Stage, Fish flake, all the House and other erections, cellars, fields, Gardens, Commons, fences, waters, water courses, ways, paths, passages and all other appurtenances to the same in any wise belonging to be and continue unto my said Grandsons and to their heirs forever from the day of the date hereof – the said last described property being in the occupancy of myself and my sons James and Richard.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal at Carbonear, Conception Bay, Newfoundland on the 23rd day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.

Signed, sealed and delivered where stamps are not used in presence of “Francis Watts, John P. Taylor”

John King (x his mark)

Note, punctuation has been added to aid in the reading of this document.

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