NL GenWeb Wills
The Will of John Hudson/Hughson of Adams Cove |
PREROGATIVE COURT OF CANTERBURY I JOHN HUGHSON declared and give on my Death Bed the things under writ. July 11th 1748. I JOHN HOHSON leaves to my WIFE one hundred pounds and enjoy the room for her life and after your life it is to be distributed amongst your children. ? ? hundred pounds for the children and all my estate in England and effects is for my SON JOHN HUGHSON signed by me JOHN HUDSON ? WM. PIKE RICHARD JONES PH? HEAUME On the third day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty six Administration with the will annexed of the goods chattels and credits of JOHN HUDSON late of ADAMS COVE in CONCEPTION BAY in the Island of Newfoundland in North America deceased was granted to JOHN CHEAVE? The lawful attorney of JOHN HUDSON the son of the said deceased and residuary legatee named in the said will for that no Executor is named therein for the use and benefit of the said JOHN HUDSON the son now residing at Newfoundland aforesaid he having been first sworn by commission duly to administer. |
© Susan Snelgrove and NL GenWeb