Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Transcriber’s Note: I have tried to be as faithful to the spelling as possible. Much of it was very difficult to read, given the old style writing.

The Will of John Guy – 1625
(Founder of the first Colony in Newfoundland in 1610 at Cupid’s)
The Prerogative Court of Canterbury – Prob 11/155

In the name of God Amen. I, JOHN GUY of the Citty of Bristoll, Merchant do make and ordeyne this my last will and testament revoking all former wills. First I recomend myself both body and soule into the hands of almighty god beseeching his divine ? through the ?itts of his only sonne our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to have mercie upon mee and to forgive mee all my sinnes. As for my worldly consines(?) I doe dispose as follows: First I doe give and bequeath unto the poore the sume of ffiftie shillings of lawfull money of England. Item I doe give and bequeath to my SISTERLAW (sister in law?) ELIZABETH GUY tenn pounds of lawfull money and to her two daughters ANNE GUY and PHILLIPP GUY tenn pounds a pece to be paid unto them when they shall ? accomplish the age of eighteen yeares. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my DAUGHTER MARY GUY the whole profits of my farme situate in GAUNTS EARTHCOT in the parish of ALMONDSBURIE and County of GLOUC. now in the occupation of THOMAS STURGE for the terme of foure years to commence at the feast of the Annuntiation of the blessed Ladie the virgin marie next insuing the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this life. Moreover I doe give and bequeath unto my DAUGHTER ELIZABETH GUY the whole profitts of my farme aforesaid situate in Gaunts Earthcot for the terme of ? ? yeares to commence at the expiration of the terme of foure? yeares fully to be compleate and ended after the feast of the Annuntiation of the blessed ladie the virgin Mary ? the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this life. Ffuorthe(?) I do give and bequeath unto my SONNE ROBERT GUY the whole profitts of my said farme situate in Gaunts Earthcot for the terme of two years to commence at the expiration of the terme of eight yeares fully to be complete and ended after the feast of the Annuntiation of the blessed ladie the virgin Mary next ? the departure of mee JOHN GUY out of this life. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my SONNE WILLIAM GUY the whole profitts of my said farme situate in Gaunts Earthcot for the terme of other two yeares to commence at the expiration of the terme of ten yeares fully to be complete and ended after the feast of the annuntiation of the blessed ladie the virgin Mary next ensuing the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this life. The residue of the terms and interest which I have in the said farme of Gaunts Earthcot as well by the piece? granted to one JOHN LANGE which was assigned unto mee by my BROTHER IN LAW MATTHEW BURK as also by a new grant made unto mee thereof in ? for ? and nineteen yeares ? JOHN GUY, THOMAS GUY and MARY GUY the children of mee JOHN GUY or either or is any of them shall so long live with all my whole interest and right therein or thereunto, after the expiration of the said terme of ? yeares after the feast of the Annuntiation of the blessed Ladie the virgin Mary next ensueing the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this life, together with the said leases and assignement thereof I do give devise and bequeath unto my said SONNE THOMAS GUY his executors and assignes provided alwaies that if my said SONNE THOMAS GUY shall depart this life before that he shall attaine the age of twenty and foure years that then my will is that all my interest and right of and into the said farme of Gaunts Earthcot to devise unto him after such his ? shall ? unto my SONNE ROBERT GUY his executors assignes, and in case both my said sonnes shall depart this life before that any one of them the said THOMAS GUY and ROBERT GUY shall attaine the age of twenty and foure yeares, that then my will is that all my said interest and right of and unto the said farme of Gaunts Earthcot so devised unto them the said THOMAS GUY and ROBERT GUY after such their deaths shall remaine unto my said sonne WILLIAM GUY his executors and assignes, and in case my said three sonnes, THOMAS GUY, ROBERT GUY and WILLIAM GUY shall depart this life before that any one of them shall attaine the age of twenty and foure yeares, that then my will is that all my said interest and right of and into the said farme of Gaunts Earthcot so devised unto them after such their deathes shal remaine unto my DAUGHTER MARGARET PETER(?), MARY GUY and ELIZABETH GUY their executors and assignes equally to be devided amongst them, if they shall then bee all living and in default thereof to the survivors or survivor of them. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my DAUGHTER MARY GUY the whole profits of my sixteenth part of the ?sage wine(?) of BRISTOL for the terme of foure yeares to commence at the feast of St. Michaell the archangell next ensueing the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this mortal life. Moreover I doe give and bequeath unto my daughter ELIZABETH GUY the whole profitts of my said sixteenth part of the ?ylage wine(?) of BRISTOLL for the terme of other foure yeares, to commence at the expiration of the terme of foure yeares, fully to bee complete and ended after the feast of St. Michael the archangel next ensueinge the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this mortall life, ffurthermore, I doe give and bequeath unto my SONNE ROBERT the whole profitts of my said sixteenth part of ?sage wynes of BRISTOLL, for the terme of two yeares to commence at the expiration of the terme of eight yeares fully to be complete and ended after the feast of St. Michaell th’archangell, next ensueing the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this mortall life. Item, I doe give and bequeath unto my SONNE WILLIAM GUY the wholl profitts of my said sixteenth part of prisage? wines of BRISTOLL for the terme of other two yeares to commence after the expiration of the terme of tenne yeares fully to be complete and ended after the feast of St. Michaell the Archangell next ensuinge the departure of mee the said JOHN out of this life. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my daughter MARY GUY the whole profitts of the tenement situate in Broad Streete within the citty of BRISTOLL aforesaid in the occupation of EDMOND BELBINE?/BELSIVE? for the terme of foure yeares to comence at the feast of the Annuntiation of the Blessed ladie the virgin Mary next insuinge the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this life, Moreover I doe give and bequeath unto my DAUGHTER ELIZABETH GUY the whole profitte of the said tenement situate in BROADSTREETE within the said citty of BRISTOLL in the occupation of EDMOND BELSINE? for the terme of other foure yeares to commence at the expiration of the terme of foure yeares fully to be complete and ended after the feast of the annuntiation of the blessed ladie the Virgin Mary next insuinge the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this life, ffurthermore I doe give and bequeath unto my SONNE ROBERT GUY the whole profitts of the said tenement in BROADSTREET fourth terme of two yeares to commence at the expiration of the terme of eight yeares fully to be complete and ended after the feast of the annuntiation of our blessed ladie the virgin Mary next ensuing the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this life. Item I doe and bequeath unto my SONNE WILLIAM GUY the whole profitts of the said tenement in BROADSTREETE for the terme of other two yeares to commence at the expiration of the terme of ten years fully to be complete and ended, and after the feast of our blessed ladie the virgin Mary next insueing the departure of mee the said JOHN GUY out of this life, Item my will is that my executrix shall mainetaine my CHILDREN THOMAS GUY, ROBERT GUY, WILLIAM GUY, MARY GUY and ELIZABETH GUY with apparel, meate, drincke, and ? until their said severall? ? given them by this my will shall ? ?pectively one unto them. Item I doe give and devise unto my SONNE THOMAS GUY one part of my lands in NEWFOUNDLAND called THE SEAFOREST, in foure equall partes to be devided. To have and to hold to him the said THOMAS GUY and to his heirs and assignes forever. Item I doe give and devise unto my SONNE ROBERT GUY one other part of my said lands in NEWFOUNDLAND called THE SEAFOREST in foure equall partes to be devided, to have and to hold to him the said ROBERT GUY and his heires and assignes forever. Item I doe give and devise unto my SONNE WILIAM GUY one other part of my said lands in NEWFOUNDLAND called THE SEAFOREST in foure equall partes to be devided to have and to hold unto him the said WILLIAM and his heires and assignes forever. Item I doe give devise and bequeath unto my SONNE JOHN GUY his executors and assignes all the lands tenements meadows, pasture, arrable woods and wood grounde and whatsoever ? I hold or ought to hold by lease or leases for terme or termes of yeares yet to come and ? PITTIATE? within the parish of DONITON abs DONTHON abs DINTON abs in the County of Glouc. have and to hold to the said JOHN GUY my SONNE his executors and assignes, for and during the whole terme and termes of the said Lease and leases, Item I doe give and bequeath unto my SONNE JOHN GUY the counterweight? of Boxes wherein the evidence of my lands are placed. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said SONNE JOHN GUY all the wainscott and glasse belonging to my howse situatte in SMALL(?) STREETE within the Citty of BRISTOLL, which house is part in the occupation of mee the said JOHN GUY and in other part in the occupation of MRS. CHARITY WHITE. Item my will is that if any one or more of my children that is to saie MARY GUY, ELIZABETH GUY, ROBERT GUY and WILLIAM GUY shall decese before that the said daughters or either of them respectively doe attaine the age of eighteen yeares, and the said sonnes or either of them respectively doe attaine the age of twenty and foure yeares, that then the said profitts of the farme of Gaunt Earthcot, the p?sage wines of Bristoll and of the tenement of BROADSTREETE in the Citty of Bristoll so bequeathed unto them and everie of them so deceasing shall remaine to the survivors or survivor of them the said MARY GUY. ELIZABETH GUY, ROBERT GUY and WILLIAM GUY together with my said SONN THOMAS GUY to be equally devided between them five, and the survivors or survivor of them. Item my will is that the executrix of this my will shall grant bargaine and sell to any person or persons their heires and assignes in fee for such somes of money as shee shall think fit, as well all my ?, lands, tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances situate in KINGSTON SEYMO In the county of SOMSET together with the patronage of the psonage (parsonage?) of the Church of KINGSTON SEYMOR aforesaid, and also all such lands tenements and hereditaments with the apptenances situate in the parish of DOMTON abs DOMTHON abs DINTON aforesaid and which I have conveyed unto MRS. MARY BUTCHER, for her sororitie? For the payment of foure hundred pounds of lawfull money of England due unto her the foure and twentieth day of June which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord god after the computation? of the church of England one thousand six hundred thirtie and one, together with all such other landes tenements and hereditaments with the appertence situate in the parishe of DOMTON abs DONITTON abs DINTON aforesaid which I have conveyed unto MR. ABELL KITCHEN for his ?sity for the payment of foure hundred and eight pounds due unto him the five and twentieth day of March which shalbe in the yeare of our lord god after the computation? of the church of England one thousand six hundred thirtie two the said summes of money to be imploied not only towards the satisfaction of the said severall sumes of foure hundred pounds unto the same MRS. MARY BUTCHER and of foure hundred and eight pounds, unto the said MR. ABELL KITCHEN, but towards the satisfaction of other my debts. Item the moietie or half ? of what shalbe in surplusage of all my goodes and chattels together with the sumes of money to be made of the sale of all the said lands, after my debts legacies and funerall expences shalbe satisfied, I bequeath to my SONNE JOHN GUY and the other halfe I bequeath to my loving WIFE ANN GUY Item I doe make and ordeyne my loving WIFE, ANNE GUY my full and whole executrix of this my last will and testament. Item I doe make and ordaine my well beloved BROTHER IN LAW IZRAELL GLESON(?) gent and my SONNE IN LAWE EDWARD PETRE(?) Merchant overseers of this my last will and testament unto whom I doe give fortie shillings a peece. In witness whereof I have written this my last will and testament with mine owne hand and have hereunto putt my hand and seale the one and twentieth day of ffebruarie in the yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lord CHARLES by the grace of god King of England, Scotland, Ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith ? anno Domini 1625. JOHN GUY ? that this twentieth and first day of ffebruary anno dm 1625. This last will of mee JOHN GUY the father within mentioned? conteyned three sheetes of paper, and published with my name and sealed with my seale ? and acknowledged to bee the last will of mee the said JOHN GUY before and in the presence of the witnesses hereunto required by me the said JOHN GUY.




(there follows a final paragraph in latin, dealing with the probate of the will).

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