Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books volume 12 pages 204 to 208 probate year 1922

Will of John Charles Cozens


Last Will of John Charles Cozens of Brigus, Newfoundland. I bequeath to each of my administrators fifty dollars. With this deduction, I bequeath one third (in value) of my property now or hereafter contained in the Amsterdam City National Bank, Amsterdam, Montgomery County, New York State, U.S.A. to my sister Jessie McCallum Hartley of Alameda, California. If, However, she should not survive me, I bequeath one half of the amount which would have been her share to her daughter Beatrice Hartley of Alameda, California, and the remainder of the amount which would have been my sisters share to her sons Frank, Gerald, Harry and Edward in equal portions. If neither my sister Jessie aforesaid nor her daughter Beatrice survive me, I bequeath the total of what would have been my sister’s share if she had survived me to my sister Jessie’s surviving sons in equal portions.

I bequeath one third (in value) of my property now or hereafter contained in the Amsterdam City National Bank to my sister in law, Mrs. Florence Fisher of Malden, Mass, U.S.A. If, however, she should not survive me, I bequeath the amount which would have been her share to her son Arthur Fisher of Malden, Mass, to her daughter Mrs. Florence Rudd of Malden, Mass, to my cousin Jessie C. Wakefield of Wakefield Mass, and to my cousin Mrs. Florence Ives of Salem Mass, or to their survivors in equal shares with the exception that if Mrs. Florence Ives, should not survive me and her daughter Jessie Ives does survive me, I bequeath the amount which would have been Mrs. Florence Ives share to her said daughter Jessie Ives.

It is my will that the remaining third of my property now or hereafter contained in the Amsterdam City National Bank, Amsterdam, N.Y. be divided into Ten equal parts, I bequeath five of these equal parts to my brother William Henry Cozens of Brooklyn N.Y.; four to my brother George Schofield Cozens of Brooklyn, N.Y. and one to my brother Walter Cozens of Brooklyn, N.Y. (I bequeath the largest share to my brother William because he has the heaviest burden to carry, and the smallest to my brother Walter because there is no person dependent on him. If my brother William should not survive me, I bequeath the amount which would have been his share to his surviving children and grandchildren in equal portions. If my brother George does not survive me I bequeath the amount which would have been his share to his surviving children and grandchildren in equal portions. If my brother Walter should predecease me, I bequeath the amount which would have been his share to my brother George or his heirs.

I bequeath to John J. Smith of Brigus, or, if he should not survive me, to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Hearts Content or their heirs: The American Cyclopaedia (17 vols including index) Carletons Traits & stories of the Irish Peasantry. Works of Henry Fielding. Works of Tobias Smollett. All books by Charles Dickens owned by me. All books by Herman Melville owned by me.

I bequeath to Miss Katherine Cecilia Ahern of Hartford Conn, U.S.A., or if she should not survive me, to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Hearts Content or their heirs. Matthew Arnolds Note Books. All Books by J. R. Lowell owned by me. Don Quixote in Spanish. Robinson Crusoe in Latin. Emersons Works Riverside Edition. Emerson in Concord by E. W. Emerson. R. W. Emerson by O.N. Holmes.

Carlyle’s(?) French Revolution 3 Vols.
.. Frederick the Great.
.. Life of John Sterling
.. Life of Schiller.
Letters of Thomas Carlyle to his youngest sister.
Correspondence of Carlyle and Emerson
.. of Emerson and H. Grimm.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan in Latin and English.
Plays and Poems by Robert Browning. Tex t Bible des Alten and Neuen. Testaments von Kautsch and Weizacker. Jerome’s (Latin Vulgate) version of the Bible. Dis Annalen des Tacitus von Anton August Draeger.

I bequeath to Mrs. John J. Smith of Brigus, or, if she should not survive me to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Hearts Content or their heirs. The What-Not in my sitting room,

I bequeath to Miss Clara Thompson now of Carbonear or if she should not survive me to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Hearts Content or their heirs. The Bronze Shepherdess Vases and shells and the blue holder on my sitting room mantlepiece. The specimens of Quartz and iron pyrites on my bedroom mantlepiece (I was informed by a former State Geologist and University professor of Geology that two of those specimens were remarkably fine) The book of pictures, mostly photographs purchased from the Soule Photograph Co of Boston, Mass. Le Nouveau Testament. Collet’s French Dictionary. Bezas Latin Testament. Sir W. Smith’s Classical Dictionary. All books by Charles Reade owned by me,

I bequeath to Miss Irene Parsons of St. John’s, or, if she should not survive me to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content or their heirs. Oil painting of old house in New Orleans by J. E. Field. Steel Engraving from E. Colins, painting of Charles the First and his children. Longfellow’s Poems.

I bequeath to Mrs. George Duncan of St. John’s, or, if she should not survive me, to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content or their heirs. Knights Shakspere (4 Fol vols) All books by or about Charlotte Emily or Anne Bronte owned by me,

I bequeath to Mrs. William Bartlett of Brigus or if she should not survive me to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content or heirs Steel Engraving of William Allens Portrait of Sir Walter Scott, All books by Captain Marryat owned by me.

I bequeath to the Sisters of the Mercy Convent, Brigus, Steel Engraving of Carlo Dolcis Madonna. Picture of the Cemetery Garden, Mission Santo Barbara, California.

I bequeath to my cousin Mrs. Gertrude Smith of Heart’s Content My Desk, Familiar Garden Flowers (5 Vols) Water color Picture of Cherry Blossoms by Beatrice Harley. Picture of Bryant. Emerson. Holmes. Longfellow. Whitten and Lowell.

I bequeath to Miss Ethel Robb of Amsterdam N.Y. Picture of her father Dr. W. H. Robb. De Amicis "Morocco".

I bequeath to Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Diamond of St. John’s The "Animal Creations" (3 Fol Vols) by Rev. J. G. Wood. All books by R.L. Stevenson owned by me.

I bequeath to Mr. & Mrs. William Stentaford of Heart’s Content Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (3 vols). Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland. Atlas of Ancient and Classical Geography. Chambers-Concise Gazetteer. All books by George Borrow owned by me. Tennyson’s Poems Jean Ingelow’s Poems.

I bequeath to Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Seymour Stentaford of Heart’s Content my book cases The long Ebony Ruler which was once the property of Seymour Stentafords and my grandfather, John Stentaford My Camp Chair All books and pictures and any other property not otherwise bequeathed.

I bequeath to Mrs. Lucy Wilcox of Brigus, or, if she should not survive me, to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content or their heirs. Two water colour paintings of flowers now in my sitting room (these were painted by Charlotte McCallum) sister of Mrs. Lucy Wilcox’s grandfather William Stentaford. My Stereoscope and stereoscopic views The fairy tales of Hans Christian Anderson, English translation Grimm’s Fairy tales. English translation

I bequeath to Miss Jessie Diamond of St. John’s, or, if she should not survive me to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content Selections from "Sun and Shade"

I bequeath to Dr. And Mrs. Leonard Stentaford of Carbonear Atlas of Historical Geography Cousins Dictionary of English Literature All the volumes of the Home University Library owned by me All books by Balzae owned by me

I bequeath to Miss E. Bartlett, daughter of Captn Samuel Bartlett, Brigus Anecdote Biographies of Thackery & Dickens edited by Richard Henry Stoddard (Bric a brac series Personal Reminiscences by Charlie Planche and Young (Bric a brac series) Any other books of the Bric & brac series that I may hereafter own. Kinglake’s Eathen.

I bequeath to Mrs. George Makinson of the Goulds, or, if she should not survive me to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content Book of Selections from the Art Journal.

I bequeath to Mrs. David Baird of St. John’s, or, if she should not survive me to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content Steel Engraving from painting of the two grandmothers by Marie Weigmann. Photogravure from Hogarth’s picture painted by himself. Steel Engraving from painting The Maid of Saragossa by Wilkie.

I bequeath to Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Thompson of Brigus Book of Steel Engravings entitled "European Scenery" All books by Sir Walter Scott owned by me.

I bequeath to Rev. Mr. Field of Brigus All Matthew Arnold’s works except "Note Books" Works of Walter Bagehot Burton’s Greek Testament Polymicriam Greek Lexicon to the New Testament. Liddell & Scotts Greek English Lexicon Gesenius Hebrew & English Biblia Hebraica All books by W.M. Thackery owned by me

Poems of Butler (British Poets Series)
.. .. Grey .. .. ..
.. .. Dryden .. .. ..
.. .. Spenser .. .. ..
Minor Elizabethan Drama Ben Johnson’s Plays Medievalism by George Tyrrell
Poems by Cowper (British Poets Series)
.. .. Shelley .. .. ..
.. .. Herrick .. .. ..

Pope’s Poems. Philosophy of Religion by John Caird Robinsons Greek Harmony of the Gospels Metaphysics by B. P. Boone. In case Mr. Field should not survive me, I bequeath the books which would have become his to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content.

I bequeath to Mr. & Mrs. William Munn of St. John’s Line Engravings from the works of J.M.W. Turner Thomas Wrights Caricature History of the Georges.

I bequeath to Mrs. Robert Templeton of St. John’s, or, if she should not survive me to Mr. & Mrs. S. S. Stentaford of Heart’s Content Wood Engraving from picture "The Great Castle of Schwerin" by Rauscher My Post Card Album Scotch Sermons 1880

I bequeath to Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Templeton of St. John’s Draught Board made by R. Templeton Walking Stick with horn handle presented to me by R. Templeton Dictionary of Lowland Scotch burns’s poems

I bequeath the larger of my two watches with guard and watch key attached to my brother William H. Cozens of Brooklyn N.Y. or if he should not survive me to my brother George S. Cozens of Brooklyn or, if both should predecease me to my cousin Arthur Fisher of Malden Mass

I bequeath the smaller of my two watches to my niece Beatrice Hartley of Alameda, Calif., or, if she should not survive me to my cousin Sarah Diamond of St. John’s The Phi Beta Kappa key attached to my watch guard was loaned to me as a keepsake by the Rev. David Sprague of Amherst Mass. It should be detached from my watch guard by my executors and sent to Rev. David Sprague or his heirs.

I appoint as my executors my cousin Arthur Fisher for my property in Amsterdam N.Y. and Messrs. J. J. Smith and J. P. Thompson for my property in Brigus, Newfoundland. JOHN C. COZENS.

Witnesses: Robert H. Maddick S.E. Chafe John Rabbitts Brigus, Newfoundland October 16th, 1912.

CORRECT. William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed in the Margin next to this will the following)
Fiat May 18/22 Kent J Probate granted to Jabez P. Thompson May 23/22. Estate sworn at $14,084.09

© Judy Benson, Ivy Benoit and NL GenWeb