Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors


Will of Johanna Molloy from Newfoundland will books volume 4 pages 26-27 probate year 1879.
Transcriber's Note:This name is spelled Johanna and Joannah in the will and Johanna in the will index.


In re
         Johanna Molloy deceased.

This is the last will & testament of me Johanna Molloy of Brigus, Conception Bay Newfoundland and I hereby revoke all former wills by me heretofore made & I declare this to be my last will & testament.     First. I hereby appoint the Revd E. F. Walsh, P.P. of Brigus sole executor of this my last will and testament.     Second. I give and bequeath to Mrs. John Tarehan the sum of fifty pounds currency.     Third- I give & bequeath to John Baptist Dooling ten pounds.     Fourth. I give & bequeath to Revd Patrick O’Donnell of Conception Harbor Thirty pounds to say Masses for the repose of my soul.     Fifth. I give & bequeath to the nuns of Brigus Thirty pounds.     Sixth. I give & bequeath to Mrs. Howlett of Harbor Grace, to Mrs. John Green and to Mrs. John Sharpe all my silver plate to be equally divided amongst them.     Seventh. I give & bequeath to my brother Nicholas Molloy what the Roman Catholic Parish Priest of Brigus may think fit & necessary &     Eighth. I give & bequeath to the Roman Catholic Parish Priest of Brigus Revd E. F. Walsh all the rest & residue of my estate consisting of dwelling house & land situate at Brigus of all monies, securities for money, stock, goods chattels of whatever kind to me belonging for the purpose of the erection of a Roman Catholic New Church at Brigus Conception Bay.     In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal at Brigus Conception Bay Newfoundland this fourteenth day of February A.D. one thousand eight hundred & seventy nine.     Joannah Molloy (LS)     Witness, Thomas Dowling, Mary McGee.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

© Judy Benson, Ivy Benoit and NL GenWeb