NLGenWeb Wills

Conception Bay North Region ~ Carbonear District
Carbonear - Will of James Howell (of Peter) (1835)
This will was read, recorded and transcribed by BONNIE HIELAND, November 2000. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. 

Will of James Howell (of Peter)
Registry of Deeds & Companies
Confederation Building, St. John's
In the Name of God Amen I James Howell of Carbonear Planter sick in Body but perfect in mind and memory. I give go William and Peter Howell my half of the Schooner Britannia, to my son James half of the Schooner Jox.

To my wife Mary Howell wheat money I am possess of after my Funeral Expenses is paid and to live in the house while she do remain a widdow.

I give to all my sons all my room I now occuppy to have and to hold it for ever and if any of the them do want to sel their part of it is not be sold to any others, but one of the brothers.

James his X mark Howell of Peter

John Moore Carbonear (December 4, 1835)

Regarding Estate of James Howell Carbonear – August 10 1836

Letter attached:

To the Hornourable Henry John Boulton Chief Justice and the Honorable Augustus ?? Des Barres and Edward Benbazth? Brinton Assistant Judges of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

The Petition of William Willis Bemister of CarbonearMerchant and Mary Howell Widow of James Howell (of Peter) of Carbonear

Humbly Herewith

That James Howell (of Peter) Husband of the said Mary Howell departed this life at Carbonear in the month of December last (having made a will without naming any Executors) leaving him surviving Mary Howell aforesaid his Widow, William Howell his son and Susan Nichole Daughter of the full age of Twenty one years and nine other sons and daughters of the respective ages here under specified viz:

James aged 20 years
Peter 17
Frederick 13
Ann 11
Nathaniel 7
Francis 9
Leah 5
George 3
Jane 1

That the said James Howell left property of the probably value of Twelve hundred pounds; and the family being deserious that William Willis Bemister aforesaid a relation being married to a sister of the said James Howell deceased should be joined as the administrators humbly request that your Lordship will be pleased to command Administration with the Will annexed to the said William Willis Bemister and Mary Howell Widow as aforesaid and our Petitioners as in duty bound will pray.

Mary her X mark Howell
W.W. Bemister

Sworn before me at Carbonear this second day of August A.D. 1836
W. Stark Commissioner.

We the undersigned sons and daughters of the deceased hereby request that the Honorable The Supreme Court will be pleased to commit administration of our Fathers Estate to William Willis Bemister jointly with our Mother as aforesaid.
William Howell
James Howell
Peter Howell
Frederick Howell
Ann Howell

Letter attached:

Harbour Grace 3 August 1836


I have to honor herewith to transmit the Will of James Howell (of Peter) late of Carbonear Planter, together with the application of Mary Howell the Widow, and Mr. William Willis Bemister Merchant, for Administration thereto, accompanied by Bonds executed by highly respectable parties.

I have the Honor to be
Your most obedient Servant
Signed J. Stark?

© 2000 Bonnie Hieland and NL GenWEb