Registry of Deeds & Companies Confederation Building, St. John's Vol. 1, pg. 371-378
I Joseph Drover Sen'r of Upper Island Cove in the District of Conception Bay and Island of Newfoundland being in health of body and of sound and perfect mind and memory, and considering the shortness and uncertainly of this life, do hereby make this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following that is to say, I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas Drover, his heirs and Assigns, that part of my Room or Plantation, which he at present occupies, with all [appuitenanies?] thereunto belonging, from henceforth forever, also the one third part or proportion of my Meadow Ground immediately after my decease, as also one large Chest, one Feather Bed and a Spy Glass.
I give and bequeath to my Son Joseph Drover, his heirs and Assigns, that part of my Room or Plantation which he at present occupied, with all [appuitenances?] thereunto belonging, from henceforth forever, also the one third part or proportion of my Meadow Ground immediately after my decease, as also one large square framed looking Glass, one large Compting house desk and one Feather Bed.
I give and bequeath to my Son James Drover, his heirs and Assigns, immediately after my decease the one third part or proportion of my Meadow Ground together with my Dwelling House, Out houses, Store and Plantation, as also the remainder of my Houshold furniture and two Feather Beds, excepting Two time pieces, one of which is to be given to my Grandson Joseph Drover son of Thomas, and the other to my Grand daughter Elizabeth Drover, daughter of Joseph, yet I wish it to be understood that my Wife Mary Drover is to have the use and enjoyment of her choice of the Feather Beds so bequeathed to my Son James, and also that she is to have the command, government, power and privilege of my said House and furniture so bequeathed to him, during her life, and further that he shall and will, at his own proper cost and charge find and maintain her decently, with meat, drink and wearing apparel, during her existence, and I wish that my Executors hereafter named, immediately after my interment, do divide my household Furniture among my said Sons and Grand Children, in manner and form aforesaid, as also to measure, divide and point out to and among my said three sons, their and each of their, one third part or proportion of my Meadow Ground as aforesaid, and I also wish that my Executors do see my Body or remains conveyed to Harbor Grace, there to be decently buried, and the expense thereof to be by them paid out of my property, before any other arrangement is made, touching or concerning my affairs notwithstanding the Meadow Ground is by me so ordered to be divided among my three sons immediately after my interment, I will and order that my Wife Mary Drover, is to have all the Grass or Hay, which shall grow thereon, during her life. And I also will and bequeath to her all the Sheep and Lambs which I shall be owner of, at the time of my decease, to sell or do with them as she may think proper. I Will and order that my Executors, in a short time after my interment, will purchase a Head Stone, and see the same fixed at my Grave to their satisfaction, and the expence thereof to be by them paid out of my property. I will and Order that my Barking Kettle, shall be left on my Room for the mutual and equal use of my said three Sons, as well as for the use of my Son in law Jonathan Hussy without any charge to him whatever. And I also Will and Order that my said three Sons shall and will have, and only have, equal right, title, claim and interest, in and to my Fishing Room, to say Stage and Flakes, and also that all the Boats, Anchors, Grapnels and Craft, which I shall be Owner of at my decease, shall and will be divided to and among my said three sons, Thomas, Joseph and James, one third part or proportion each, immediately after my decease, to be so divided by my Executors. I give and bequeath to my Five Daughters Elizabeth Tucker, Mary Butt, Amy Coveduck, Sarah Morgan, and Grace Hussy, the sum of Ten pounds Stirling each, to be paid them by my Executors immediately after my decease, which sum is to be drawn by them my said Executors from one or more of the Merchants who hold my money in their hands, as also the amount of expenses and cost of my interrment and head Stone, in case that so much is not then found to be left by me in my house or in the hands of any person or persons for such purposes, but in case that my Money may unfortunately happen to be lost beyond recovery at the time of my decease, by the Merchants failure or Bankruptcy who so hold it, I Will and Order that my three Sons do pay each the sum of Eight pounds six Shillings and eight pence, to say Five Pounds thereof to each of my said five Daughters, imediately after my decease to buy themselves a suit of Mourning. And in case my Money should not be so lost owing to Bankrupycy or any misfortune, I order that immediately after my Wifes and my decease, and no sooner, my Executors do draw and receive all Money then appearing due to me from all and every person or persons holding the same and the same to divide among, and pay into the hands of my said three Sons, Thomas, Joseph, and James Drover, One third part or proportion thereof to each of them respectively, and I do hereby nominate and appoint James F. Cawley Esquire and James Bayley Esq'r both of Harbor Grace aforesaid, to be the Executors of and to this my last Will and Testament, And lastly I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul, all and every other former Will or Will, Legacies or bequests by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal at Island Cove aforesaid this Sixth day of August in the year of our lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty one.
Joseph Drover, Sen'r {Seal}
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Joseph Drover Sen'r in the presence of Us...
Michael Kelly, Witness
George Crane, Witness
Note It is to be understood that as my son James Drover has have had no wages from me these five years, I allow him to have ,50 more than each of my Son Thomas and Joseph and it is my request to have Mr. R. Wills to arrange my Affairs after my death. Witness my hand this the 26th April 1824...
Joseph [his X mark] Drover, Sen'r
R. Wills
Be it known to all whom it may concern that on this ninth day of August 1824 I Joeph Drover Sen'r do confirm and ratify the Codical marked A that bears date the 26th April 1824, and that not wishing to trouble Mr. Cawley or Mr. Bayley to undertake the generaly unthankful Office of Executors, do appoint my Son James Drover as my Sole Executor, or in case of his death my Sons Thomas and Joseph Drover, and I also desire my Executor or Executors to give Mr. Wills in consideration of Services already performed the sum of One guinea, and I further request the favor of the Reverend Mr. Burt to assist with Mr. Wills, in behalf of my Executors, relative to my Burial, and matters relative thereto, as also in case of dispute.
Joseph Drover {Seal}
Signed sealed published and declared and delivered by the said Joseph Drover Sen'r in presence of Us...
J. Burt
R. Wills
Be it known to all whom it may concern, that I Joseph Drover the Elder, do make and constitute this a Codicil to my last Will and Testament made by me, in sound mind and perfect memory, and to be and abide to all intents and purposes as my last declaration, that is to say I Joseph Drover, do will and command, that immediately after my decease, all the Money that shall be found in my Dwelling House at Island Cove, shall become the property of my dear Wife Mary, for her sole use and benefit and at her disposal forever. And I do further that as soon as decease shall be known, that Mr. Richard Wills of Island Cove, Catechist, may demand all my keys, and I hereby order all persons holding such keys forthwith to deliver them up to the said Mr. Richard Wills, who as a Trustee for my dear Wife, shall examine, take an account, and see that the Money aforementioned be disposed for my Wife's sole benefit.
Given under my hand and Seal at Island Cove, in the Conception Bay, in Newfoundland, this Twenty fifth day of November, one thousand eight hujndred and twenty five.
Jo's Drover {Seal}
Signed in the presence of...
J. Burt
R. Wills
I hereby certify that the foregoing pages Three hundred and seventy one, seventy two, seventy three, seventy four, seventy five, seventy six and seventy seven, contain a true and correct copy of the Original Will and Codicils thereto, of Joseph Drover late of Island Cove deceased. I further Certify that the execution of the Will of Joseph Drover aforesaid dated the 6th August 1821 was proved before me by the Oath of George Crane one of the Witnesses thereto on the Fourteenth day of May 1827, who also deposed that Michael Kelly the other Witness, was not then in the Island of Newfoundland or its dependencies. I also Certify that the execution of the note dated 26th April 1824 was, on the same 14th May 1827 proved before me by the oath of Richard Wills Witness thereto. I also Certify that the execution by Joseph Drover of the Codicil dated 9th August 1824, was proved before my by the oaths respectively of the Reverend John Burt and Richard Wills, Witnesses thereto, and lastly I Certify that the execution by Joseph Drover aforesaid of the Codicil to the said Will, dated the 25th November 1825 was also proved before me by the Oaths respectively of the Reverend John Burt and Richard Wills Witnesses thereto, also on the said Fourteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, and the same is hereby actually Registered by me this day.
Witness my hand at the Registrar of Deeds Office Harbor Grace Newfoundland this Eighteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven 1827.
John Stark, Registrar
Fee £1..10..0 Landed property Valued at £300:0:0 by James Drover
add £0..19..0 Copying 19 Folios ex: of 3 Folios instead of the [illegible]
£2.. 9.. 0
Original transmitted to Supreme Court for Probate 14th Jun 1827. J.S.