Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Will of James Bennett from Newfoundland will books volume 2 pages 529-530 probate year 1864
In re
James Bennett deceased. In the name of God Amen the 23 of October one thousand eight hundred and sixty three James Bennett Planter of Holy Rood Conception Bay Newfoundland being very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of the body nowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die to make and ordain this my last will and testament first of all i recommend soul unto the hands of the Almighty God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in decent christal burial at the discretion of my exetors and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life i give and dispose of the same in the following manner first i give and bequate to my loving wife my house and lands and chattles except one heffer calf that my daughter Cathran pennel is to have out of the said property and after the demise of my wife i give and bequate unto my daughter Mary McGrath is to have and to hold all my property land and houses from henceforth and for ever and I bequeat to my son Thomas Benet but one shilling out of my howl property i do ratify and confirm this to be my last will and testament therefore make it in the presence of Michael Murphy and John McGrath and James Bryne Witness whereoff i have set my hand and seal day of the year i have writen the same signed seal and published and declared by James Bennet as his last will and testament in the presence of us subscribers. James his X mark Bennet (LS) Michael Murphy John X McGrath, James X Bryne.
Certified correct, |