In re
JAMES SNOW deceased.
I James Snow, fisherman, of Bay Roberts, in the Island of Newfoundland,
do hereby make this my last will and testament: At my decease I give all my
front land at Bay Roberts with all erections thereon extending from the waterside to and
including my stable, two gardens near the railway station at Bay Roberts, the eastern half of
my garden at Shearstown, together with all my fishing property situated at Little Holton,
Labrador, with all my fishing gear to my son, Edward Snow, for his use during his lifetime,
and after his decease it shall go to his son, James Stewart Snow. In case
James Stewart Snow should die before his father (my son, Edward) then Edward Snow shall have
full right to all my property as above described. At my decease I give
to my son, Abraham Snow, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, provided I do not use all
my money or that it is not lost through failure of Bank; also my garden extending in a line
from the front side of John Snow’s (of Charles) house to the Central Road, and the western
half of my garden at Shearstown; provided, that Abraham shall not have the right to sell the
above mentioned land to any person except my son, Edward, or my grandson, James Stewart Snow.
My funeral expenses, cost of my tombstone and my just debts must be
paid before any money is paid to my son, Abraham, or to any other person under this will.
I give Seventy dollars to my granddaughter, Caroline Snow;
Forty dollars to my grand-daughter, Lizzie Snow; Thirty
dollars to my grand-daughter, Marion Snow, and Thirty dollars to my grand-daughter, Pearl
Snow. In case there should not be a sufficient amount of money left to pay
these amounts to my grand-children, then it shall be divided proportionately amongst them.
I give one hundred dollars to my son’s (Abraham) children, to be equally
divided amongst them. And should there be any money left after the above
bequests are paid, I give it to my son, Edward Snow, and my grandson, James Stewart Snow, to
be equally divided among them. I give to my grandson James Stewart
Snow, everything in my bedroom (bed, bedstead and furniture) and all the furniture in the
parlor of my house. I give to my granddaughter, Caroline, the bedstead, bed
and furniture in the bedroom known as hers. Dated at Bay Roberts this tenth
day of March, 1915. (Signed) James his X mark Snow
Witnesses to signature:- H. B. Thomson. C. E. Russell,
Correct, Charles H. Emerson Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
(Listed in the margin of this will) Fiat Octr 9/16 Kent J.
Admn c.t.a. Octr 11/16 granted to Edwd Snow Sureties: Edmund Snow Albert
E. Mercer Estate sworn at $2467.57