NFGenWeb WillsConception Bay NorthSpout Cove - James Rose to John Tricket, 1833 |
Memorial of a Deed bearing date the thirty first day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty three, whereby James Rose for and in consideration of the sum of twenty eight pounds current money of this Island, fourteen pounds of which in land paid the receipt whereof is acknowledged, and the residue thereof of fourteen pounds to be paid on or before the last day of October next ensuing, the date thereof the receipt whereof is also acknowledged on the back of the said Deed under date the 1st November 1833. We the said James Rose did bargain and sell unto John Tricket of Spout Cove, “All that Fishing Room and Plantation situate at Spout Cove aforesaid on the North Shore of Conception Bay in this Island of Newfoundland, then in the occupancy of the same James Rose, and adjoining to his the said J. Tricket’s Premises with the Dwelling House, Stage, Flake, Store house, Cellar and all the land, Gardens, ? that be possessed in the said Cove, being by computation about two acres, together will all the fences, ways, paths, passages, waters, watercourses, and whatsoever appurtenances doth in any wise belong to the said Fishing Room, Plantation, Gardens, ? the whole of which said Property, he, the said James Rose, engages to yield and deliver up without driving a nail or removing any part whatsoever unto him, the said John Tricket, his heirs and assigns, on or before the fifteenth day of June, then next coming” and the said James Rose covenants that he will keep him, the said John Tricket, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in quiet and peacable possession of the whole and every part and parcel of the said Premises from the said fifteenth day of June then next, forever. Which Instrument under the hand and seal of the said James Rose (x his mark) Is witnessed by “H.C. Watts”, “Francis Watts”, “Stephen Pack”, “Mr. Wilshear”. I hereby certify that the execution of this Instrument of which this page contains a Memorial was acknowledged before me by James Rose, party thereto on the eleventh day of April at 11 a.m. in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, and the same is hereby actually registered by me this day. Given under my hand at the Registrar of Deeds Office, Harbor Grace this twenty fifth day April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty four (1834). |
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