Transcribed by Judy Benson & Ivy Benoit.. While we have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors
Newfoundland will books volume 2 pages 402- 403 probate year 1861
Will of James Roberts |
In re James Roberts deceased. In ye name of ye holy, blessed & glorious Trinity, three Persons & one God Amen. This is ye last will & testament of James Roberts, Widower, of Brigus, in Conception Bay, in ye Island of Newfoundland First I do give & bequeath to my son Nathaniel Roberts ye house in wh. I now live and to his children for ever. Item, To my three sons Thomas, John & Nathaniel Roberts ye whole of my remaining property to be divided between them in equal proportions and to their children for ever excepting such things as are herein after given & bequeathed by me to others And in ye event of all or any of my three sons aforesaid dying ye house & property so given & bequeathed as aforesaid to them and to their children for ever shall not belong to or be in any way under ye control of their widows or shall they or any of them marry again, of their wives; but it shall be ye property of their children & ye clergyman & churchwardens of ye Parish or Mission of Brigus for ye time being shall be ye Trustees thereof until ye children under God, shall have come to age as by law provided And in ye event of ye children of any of these my sons aforesaid dying before their father so that ye father be childless then their property shall become ye property of ye surviving brothers and their children for ever Item: to each of my three sons a gun. Item: to each of my three sons a dish. Item: to my granddaughter Mary Roberts, Nathaniel’s child, a feather bed. Item: to my grandson Henry Roberts, Thomas’ child, a feather bed. Item: to ye church of St. George of Brigus one half of my pew No. 13 in ye said church as Church property for ever. Item: to my son Thomas Roberts my Boiler of barking-kettle & to his children for ever: provided that my two other sons John & Nathaniel shall be allowed ye use of it for their own nets gratis Item: to Henry Roberts, Thomas’ son, a gun. Item: to Israel Roberts, Thomas’ son a gun. Item: to my grandchildren Jane, Mary Anne, John & Henry Hines each one shilling sterling. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand at Brigus aforesaid this third day of May A.D. 1851. James X Roberts. In presence of us James Smith, Philip Plowman. Certified correct, D. M. Browning Registrar |