NL GenWeb Wills
Surname Meech corrected from March since original posting.
Will of James Gill Probate year 1889 |
Last Will and Testament )
In the name of God Amen. I James Gill of Harbor Grace Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland Fisherman being in perfect health of body and of perfect mind and memory. Thanks be given on to God calling into mind the volatility of my body and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die I do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. That is to say principally and first of all I give and ?? commend my soul unto the hand of Almighty God that gave it. And my body I commend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall ???? the ?? again by the mighty power of God. And as to any such worldly Estate wherewith it happens God to bless me in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First. I give and bequeath to my sister Mary Meech the one seventh part of all money I may be posessed of at my death either in Cash or Securities, in Bank or Notes at hand, held by me to be paid her by my Executor. Secondly. For and in consideration of my having lived with Mrs. Caroline Butler of Harbor Grace for the past eight years, and having experienced every kindness from her and her children, it is my intention to re- main with them during the remainder of my life, expecting that they will continue the same kind treatment of me as heretofore. For these reasons I give and bequeath unto the said Mrs. Caroline Butler and her children the remaining six sevenths of what money I may die possessed of or if my sister Mary Meech dies before me then * the Said Caroline Butler is to have the initials left of word then whole of all the money I may possess. As also all property of all and every kind I may be possessed of for the Sole use and benefit of the Said Caroline Butler and her children- They the said Caroline Butler and her children Or Some one of them taking care of me til my Death as they now do. I also constitute make and ordain Mr. George W R Herlihy Notary Public of Bay Roberts sole executor of this My last will and testament And I do Hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul * all and every other former testaments, Wills Legacies Bequests and executions by me in any way before ???????? willed and bequeathed satisfying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty eight day of January one thousand eight hundred and Sixty. James Gill (LS) Signed Sealed published Pronounced and declared by the said James Gill. As his last Will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names _ Charles Calpin. Thomas Calpin Charles Calpin_ To all to whom these presents shall come I George W A Herlihy Notary Public duly authorized admitted and sworn residing in Bay Robert in Conception Bay Newfoundland do hereby certify and declare that I was present on the twenty eighth day of January Inst. And did see James Gill the person named in the paper writing or Will hereunto annexed duly by his mark, Sign, Seal and execute the said will which I read over several times to him and which he did seem perfectly to understand being exactly as he declared it being drawn as far as the disposal of his property and its executor are concerned. And that the mark x James x Gill thereto subscribed is in the proper handwriting of the said James Gill by his mark, that the names Charles Calpin (snr) Thomas Calpin and Charles Calpin all of Bay Roberts aforesaid the subscribing witnesses thereto. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed My seal this twenty eighth day of January in The year of our Lord one thousand Eight- hundred and Sixty. George W R Herlihy Notary Public. (B.) Be it known with all whom it doth or may concern that I James Gill of Harbor Grace whose will of the 28th. January A.D. 1860 is hereunto annexed deem it proper to make certain alterations in the manner of the disposal of my property as therein set forth. To Wit First. My sister Mary Meech being dead my bequest to her died with her and * place thereof I initials left of bequest will and bequeath to each of the children of George Meech her son as may be alive at my death the sum of Ten pounds. Second. Sophia Butler one of the children of Mrs. Caroline Butler named in said will has since it was written married Mr. William Andrews. To her if alive at my death I leave and bequeath the sum of thirty pounds to be paid to her by my executor as her full share of my property as one of the children of Mrs. Caroline Butler in place of as in will of the 28th. Jany 1860. Third. To my brother Patrick Gill I bequeath the sum of thirty pounds to be paid him if he survives me. Fourthly all of my moveable property of all kinds I will and bequeath to Charles Butler grandson of Mrs. Caroline Butler. Fifth the residue of such money as I may have in my possession in Bank or elsewhere at interest after my funeral expenses the preceding legacies and cost of Administration are paid. I will and bequeath to Mrs. Caroline Butler for the reason named in my will of the 28th. January 1860. for her support during her life after her death the remainder to be subject and payable to the order of her Son John Butler his Heirs or Assigns. But if Mrs. Caroline Butler should die before * before me, then the residue aforesaid, I will and bequeath to John Butler aforesaid Son of Mrs. Caroline Butler as an acknowledgement for his kindness to me in the past and future. Sixth. I appoint my friend Mr. George W.R. Herlihy my Sole Executor to my former will and to this Codicil. Or if he the said G.W.R. Herlihy does not outlive me. Then after the death of the said G.W.R. Herlihy I desire that John Butler aforesaid be executor to my said will and to this Codicil and my will and meaning is, that this Codicil is part and parcel of my last will and testament as if the same were so declared and set down in my said Last Will and Testament. Witness my hand and Seal this Second day of November one thousand eight hundred and Eighty two – James C Gill his mark Signed Sealed Published and declared before and by James Gill as a “Codicil” to this will of the 28th. January 1860 who severally subscribed our names as Witness in the presence of the said James Gill and of each other, the said Codicil being first read to him the said James Gill who expressed his knowledge of and agreement with the same. Samuel Stone G.W.R. Herlihy Notary Public – I certify the foregoing a correct copy. Chief Clerk & Registrar *inserted wihtout bracket There are initials in the left margin of each line with inserts. |
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