Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books vol 1 page 19 probate years 1826 1830

Another transcription of this will may be found here: Henry Webber

Will of Henry Webber

In the Name of God Amen. I Henry Webber of Harbor Grace Northern District of Conception Bay Newfoundland, finding myself at present weak in body yet enjoying perfect soundness in mind and memory thanks be to the Almighty for this mercy and knowing the certainty of death and uncertainty of life do think it necessary to make this my lest will and testament First I commit my soul to Almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth there to be deposited in a christian like manner according to the rules of the Church of England and my worldly goods which hath pleased God to intrust to my to my care I give and bequeath in manner and form following, First I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife all my worldly goods of every description whatsoever which she and I usually enjoyed whilst we lived together also the one third part of all my room and plantation encluding the dwelling house we now lives in as a support for herself during her natural life which room & Plantation is bounded on East by Jamer Cawley and on the West by Henry Garland and others.

I give and bequeath to my son John Webber one third of said Room & Plantation together with my one half of a schooner & materials which I now hold in my possession, I give and bequeath to my son William Webber one third of said Room & Plantation and to his heirs for ever. It is also my will and desire that my two daughters Patience and Sarah is to have a support and maintainance out of the said property whilst they live unmarried, I give and bequeath to my grandson Henry Webber my gun marked in his own name, After the decease of my well beloved wife her one third of the Room & Plantation as aforesaid to be equally divided between my two sons John & William, and after the decease of my son John his proportion of the property to revert to my grand son Henry Webber for ever, And I do appoint my good friends Henry Garland and Thomas Woofrey to be my true and lawful executors to see that this my last will and testament is duly put in execution according to its true intent and meaning and I do hereby make null and void all other wills bearing my name and do declare this my only last will and testament.

Given under my hand and seal In Harbor Grace Northern District of Conception Bay Newfoundland the fourth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six. Henry Webber [LS] Signed and Sealed in the presence of us. Henry Garland. Thomas Woolfrey,

Certified correct
D. M. Browning

©Judy Benson and NL GenWeb