In re
Henry Tucker deceased.
I Henry Tucker of Sandy Cove District of Port de Grave Newfoundland invalid fisherman, do make and ordain this to be my last will and Testament viz: I give and bequeath to my daughters Jessie Morgan all my real and personal estate whatsoever consisting of Dwelling House and land at Sandy Cove aforesaid, a piece or parcel of land situate near the public wharf Port de Grave, a piece or parcel of land in Husseys Cove, Port de Grave (the two first mentioned properties having been left me by will by my late wife Grace Tucker, and the garden in Husseys Cove by my late mother
Also whatsoever amount may be due at the time of my decease on my land and property situate at Ship Cove and on the north side of Ship Cove Pond which I sold to John George Tucker in 1901 for Three Hundred and Twenty Dollars to help support me, being an invalid for the past twenty years. This was my own personal property but after I married my second wife Grace Tucker I left ship Cove and went to live on my wifes property at Sandy Cove and told my son George Tucker that he could live in my Ship Cove house, but never gave the said property to my son George Tucker as his own He lived on my property at ship Cove for a number of years and left it about eleven years ago for the north and being in need in the meantime I sold it as already stated, and it is my wish that after my funeral expenses are paid the balance due on the said property shall go to my daughter Jessie Morgan in consideration of the support and care of me by her and husband Edward Morgan during the many years that I have been an invalid and unable to support or do for myself.
I hereby appoint my daughter Jessie Morgan Executrix to this my last will and Testament In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal at Sandy Cove Port de Grave, Nfld this Thirty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine Hundred and seven Henry his x mark Tucker (LS) Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator Henry Tucker as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who here subscribe our names as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said testator, being first read over and fully explained before he made his mark thereto Harold Andrews Abraham Mugford witnesses
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Feby. 12/09
Emerson J.
Feb 15/09
sworn at