NL GenWeb

Transcribed by Marilyn Pilkington.  While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors.



Harbour Grace Surrogate Court

April 13, 1822

Mary Gosse (wife of John Gosse)


Michael Farrell

Plaintiff complains that Defendant has encroached on her Husband's fishing room situate in Back Cove, Spaniard's Bay -- the parties having appeared before the Surrogate they agree to have all the Matters in Dispute submitted to arbitration.

Plaintiff nominated ___________________ Robert Gosse

Defendant __________________________ Henry Sheppard

Umpire _____________________________ William Gosse

Rule of Court entered into Return 22nd Instant

Friday, April 19, 1822 Resumed

According to the best of our opinion, we have measured these spots of land in dispute and find Michael Farrell & John Gosse in possession of each their lotts, which we consider was correct as witness our hands at Spaniard's Bay this 18th of April 1822.

Signed: Robert Gosse

William Gosse (X mark)

Henry Sheppard

Witness: R. Walsh

© Marilyn Pilkington and NL GenWeb