NL GenWeb Wills

Obtained at the Colonial Building, St. John's, NL
September 2007 by Tammy Hammond

I've attempted to transcribe this will as written. There may be errors.

Estate of George White

Estate of George White Intestate
Petition of Thomas B. Job
Administration granted May 12, 1846 to Thomas B. Job

Be it Remembered That on this twelfth day of May in ninth Year of Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Queen, defender of the Faith, &c, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty six personally appeared Thomas Bulley Job of St. John's in the ?? District Merchant James Buchanan Hutton of the same place Merchant, and Ambrose Shea of the same place Merchant and did acknowledge themselves to be held and firmly bound to our said Lady the Queen her Heirs and Successors, in the penal Sum of Five Hundred Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great Britain, to be had, made, and levied on their Goods, Chattels, and Effects jointly and ??orally if Default is made in any of the conditions following:

Now the Condition of this Obligation is such, That if the above bounden Thomas Bulley Job as administrator of the Estate and Effects of George White late of Ochre Pit Cove in the Northern District Planter. Deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a just, true and perfect Inventory of all and singular, the Goods, Credits, and Effects of the said deceased which have or sall come to the hands, possession, or knowledge of him in the said Thomas Bulley Job or to the hands of possession of any other person or persons, for him and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, into the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, at or before the last day of April next ensuing the date hereof; and the said Goods, chattels, Credits, and Effects, and all other the Goods, Chattels, Credits, and Effects of the said deceased, at the time of his death, or which at any time afterwards shall come to the hands or possession of him the said Thomas Bulley Job or to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him shall well and truly adminster according to Law ans further shall make, or cause to be made, a just and true Account of his said Administration, on or before the last day of April which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty seven and aftewards from time to time as him shall be lawfully required. And all the rest, residue, and remainder of the said Goods, Chattels, Credits, and Effects, which shall be found remaining upon the said Administration Account, the same being examined and allowed by the Supreme Court of Newfondland, shall and do pay and dispose of in a due course of Administration, or in such manner as the said Court shall direct; -- then this Obligation to be void and of no effect, or else to be and remain in full force and virtue.

Signed and Sealed}
In the presence of}

George C Anderson
Tho B. Job
JB Hutton

Ambrose Shea

[Small piece of page missing]
To wit}

The Supreme Court of Newfoundland
I do swear that I believe George White in the Northern District Planter deceased, died without a will and that I will (piece missing) Adminster all and every the Goods of the said deceased, and render a true account of my Administration into the Registry of the Court, within twelve months from the date hereof, or when I shall be thereunto lawfully required; and that the whole of the Goods, rights Chateels, Assets, Credits, and Effects of the said Deceased, which he died possessed of, within the jurisdiction of this Court, do not, according to the best of my knowledge, judgement, and belief, amount to the value of Two hundred and fifty pounds sterling.

Tho B Job                                 

Sworn before me at St. John's }
This 1st day of May AD 1846 }

George Anderson
Illegible of Affit

To the Honorable Thomas Norton Chief Justice and others the apistant Judges of the Supreme Court

The Petition of Thomas bulley Job of St. John's Merchant

Humbly Sheweth

That George White late of Ochre Pit Cove in Concpetion Bay Planter departed this life some time in the year 1844 without having made or published any last will and Testament and leaving him durviving a widow and six children all under the age of twenty one years.

That the said Intestate at the time of his death was possessed of real and personal property consisting of Fishing Romm, Stage Flakes Store Dwelling House and garden ground situate at Ochre Pit Cove aforesaid and also a Fishing Room situate at Mobsley Cove. Path End and also four fishing Punts in all of the probate value of Two hundred and fifty pounds Currency -

That the said Intestate was a Dealer was the Mercantile house of Mefs? Job Brothers of which your Petitioner is a member and hath been such for some time and that at the time of his death he was indebted to the said Job Brothers in the sume of Three Hundred and sixty four pounds Eight shilllings and Eight pence Currency for which debt they hold no security.

That the said Intestate was not to the best of Petitioners judgement and belief indebted to any others persons to the same Extent.

That the widow of the said Intestate has refused to administer to her said Husband's Estate. And has signified her consent in writing that Letters of administration of the said Estate should be granted to your Petitioner.

Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that your worships will be pleased to grant him Letters of administration to the said Estate upon giving the necessary security and as in duty bound and will Ever pray ?? Right - Tho B Job In the Supreme Court Thomas Bulley Job the written named Petitioner maketh oath and saity that all and singular the matters and things stated and set forth in the foregoing Petition are just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Sworn before me at St. John's
This 1st day of May AD 1846

George C Anderson
Tho B. Job

© Tammy Hammond and NL GenWeb