Transcribed by Judy Benson
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors

Newfoundland will books volume 3 pages 545 to 547 probate year 1877.

Will of George Percey


This is the last will and testament of me George Percey Planter of Brigus Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland.

First- I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Ann during her natural life and at her death to her son George all and singular the dwelling house that I at present occupy together with the furniture therein contained subject to the following reservations that is to say The Bed room bedstead bed & beding that I at present occupy and use I give unto my daughter Patience untill such time as she shall get married or be otherwise be provided with a permanent home then to become the property of Mary Ann or George as aforesaid-

Second. I give bequeath and devise all and singular that piece or parcel of land known as Bonfire Hill Garden unto my three daughters Susannah Mary Ann and Patience equally share & share alike, Susannah to have the north part Mary Ann the middle and Patience the south.

Third. I give bequeath and devise unto my three daughters beforenamed all that piece or parcel of land situate in the rear of my dwelling house in equal shares as follows to Susannah the N.E. lot, to Mary Ann the middle and to Patience the S.W. lot. This land is bounded on the south by a safety wall.

Fourth. I give bequeath and devise the kitchen garden in lots as follows. That piece or parcel lying south of and adjoining the before named safety wall North of the Rail fence, East of the Store, and West of the fence by my dwelling house to Mary Ann. The remainder lying south of said rail fence and north of main road to Susannah and Patience in equal shares. Susannah to have the eastern part and Patience to have the western. The roads or passage ways now or hitherto in use by me leading from the main road toward my dwelling house or other the gardens to remain in common use by and for my three daughters before named.

Fifth. I give bequeath and devise unto my daughters Elizabeth, Susannah, Mary Ann and Patience, in equal shares, all the rents arising from that property held by James Smith under lease from me situate on the north and on the south sides of the main road aforesaid. And at the expiration of James Smith’s present lease I give bequeath and devise that piece or parcel of land with the dwelling house and erections thereon situated on the north side of main road aforesaid And held by James Smith aforesaid under lease from me said lease bearing date fifteenth of January one thousand eight hundred & forty seven unto my daughters Mary Ann and Patience in equal shares Mary Ann to have the western and Patience the eastern part thereof.

Sixth. I will bequeath and devise all that land situate on the south side of the main road aforesaid and held by James Smith aforesaid under lease from me and measuring by said road fifty one feet: And at the expiration of said James Smith’s present lease as follows I give to my daughter Susannah James Smith’s new shop and half the passage way between said shop and his store to the eastward of said shop. And James Smith’s store and half the passage way between it and the shop aforesaid I give to my grandson George. But should my daughter Mary Ann have another son he is to be called Robert and then this lot is to be the property of the said George & Robert. I also give unto my daughter Patience my watch, and to my son-in-law Thomas my gun also to my granddaughter Sarah daughter of Susannah a feather bed and bedding (i.e. my second bed)

Seventh. I also give bequeath & devise unto my daughters Susannah, Mary Ann & Patience equally between them whatever monies I may die possessed of after my lawful debts are paid. Also after paying the expenses of my funeral and putting a stone to my grave with my own name and that of my deceased wife’s on said stone.

Eighth. I also appoint Nathaniel Rabbitts & John Bartlett Senr of Brigus to be my joint executors And I earnestly request them to see that the provisions of this will are carried out with peace and quietness. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Brigus aforesaid in Conception Bay Island of Nfld this eleventh day of December A.D. one thousand eight hundred & seventy two.

George his X mark Percey (LS) Signed sealed and delivered by the said testator who in our presence of each other have hereunto set and affixed his hand and seal at Brigus aforesaid and at the time above written. The name “Patience” being written for “Mary Ann” & “my son-in-law” for “her husband” before the sealing & sealing George Gushue, John Rabbitts.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

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