Vol. 9 – Folio 78
In the Supreme Court
In re
Victor Parsons
Administration granted to Frederick
Victor Parsons
on the 27th. day of January
Value of Estate $ 5410.46
Sureties United States Fidelity
and Guaranty Company
(Other writing here is too faint to transcribe)
To the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or one of
the Honourable the Judges thereof
The petition of Frederick Victor Parsons of Harbour Grace, Newfound-
land, merchant.
1. Victor Parsons late of Harbour Grace aforesaid died there on the
Seventh day of October 1930 having first made and published his last
Will and Testament which is hereto annexed marked “A”.
Jany 9th 1930
J W Kent
On the 27th day of October 1930 Letters of Administration to the
Estate of the said Victor Parsons were granted to your petitioner by
your Honourable Court as up to that date your petitioner did not dis-
cover or was he aware of any existing Will of the said Victor Parsons.
2. Subsequent to the date of the said grant of the said Letters of
Administration your petitioner discovered the aforesaid Will marked
3. The said grant of the said Letters of Administration hereto annex-
Ed marked “B” are herewith rendered and delivered to your Honourable
4. Your petitioner is the sole legatee in the said Will named.
5. As to any expression in the said Will as to the appointment of an
executor your petitioner quotes the following from the said Will:-
“All the affairs of the estate, shop, life insurance, and every detail
to be executed and managed by the resident Methodist minister in
charge of the circuit, until the said Frederick Victor Parsons becomes
old enough to manage said affairs” and your petitioner desires to
quote further from the said Will, viz. “No land, or buildings thereof
to be sold until the said Frederick Victor Parsons become twenty one
years of age, at which age, he is to manage for himself as God may
6. A full just and true inventory and valuation of the property
of the said Victor Parsons at the time of his death and situate within
the jurisdiction of your Honourable Court as far as your petitioner
can at present ascertain are hereto annexed marked “C”.
Your petitioner humbly prays that Letters of Administration as
granted aforesaid be revoked and that Letters of Administration with
the Will annexed of the said estate of the said Victor Parsons be
granted to him and as in duty bound will ever pray, etc.
Dated at Harbour Grace this 22nd. day of December 1930
Fred V Parsons
Harbour Grace to-wit:
I, Frederick Victor Parsons the petitioner named in the annexed
petition make oath and say that the matters and things therein set
forth are just and true to the best of my knowledge information and
SWORN before me at Harbour
Grace this 22nd day of Fred V Parsons
December 1930.
John Casey
This is the paper writing marked
“A” referred to in the petition of
Frederick Victor Parsons dated
day of December 1930 and verified
by his affidavit sworn before
me this 22nd day of December 1930
“A” John Casey
I, Victor Parsons, of the town of
Hbr. Grace, Newfoundland, knowing that
while that while in sound health of mind
*is the better time to arrange such matters as
and body, and believing that God doth guide
the following *(as written in the document, but would be read as "and body is the better time to arrange such matters as
the following, and believing that God doth guide")
one so to do, I hereby, (that peace may
continue without disputing) annul all
former writing with respect to the distrib
ution of property over which God has
made me steward.
After God takes me to himself
all property, money, life insurance, and
residue of any real, and personal estate
are to go to my son Frederick Victor
Parsons, if then living he to do as he thinks just to-
ward his sisters Rosa Belle, Parsons and
Florence Parsons.
No radical change would be
made, but affairs to be carried forward
as usual, bills to be paid as regularly as
possible, according as monies from income
are received.
All the affairs of the estate, shop
life insurance, and every detail to be
executed and managed by the resident Methodist minister in charge of circuit
until the said Frederick Victor Parsons
become old enough to manage said affairs.
In witness whereof I have hereto set
my hand this twenty four day of July
Victor Parsons
No land, or buildings thereon to
Be sold until the said Victor Victor
Parsons become twenty one years of
age, at which age he is to manage for
himself as God may order.
Victor Parsons
This is the paper writing marked “A” referred
to in the affidavit of John Casey sworn before
me this 27th day of December 1930.
Simon Butler
In the Estate of
Victor Parsons, deceased.
I, John Casey of Harbour Grace in the Electoral District of Harbour
Grace, in the island of Newfoundland, Judge of Harbour Grace District
Court (Acting), make oath and say, that Victor Parsons late of Harbour
Grace aforesaid, Merchant, died there on the 7th day of October A.D.
one thousand nine hundred and thirty; that I am well acquainted with
the handwriting of the said Victor Parsons having seen him write; that
the paper writing hereto annexed marked "A" and dated the 24th. day of
July one thousand nine hundred and six is of the proper handwriting of
the said Victor Parsons and is signed by him twice; that the signature
“Victor Parsons” and "Victor Parsons" to the said paper writing marked
"A" are also of the proper hand writing of the said Victor Parsons and
at the time of the execution of the said paper writing marked “A” the
said Victor Parsons was of sound and disposing mind, memory, and
understanding to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Sworn before me at St. John’s
on the 27th day of December John Casey
A. D. 1930
Simon Butler
Commissioner of
Supreme Court
Letters of Administration “B”
In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
Be it known that on the 27th day of October
in the year of our Lord one thousand and nine hundred and Thirty
Letters of Administration of all and singular the estate and effects of
Victor Parsons
late of Harbour Grace in the Electoral District of Harbour Grace
in the Island of Newfoundland Merchant deceased,
who died on or about the 7th day of October in the
year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Thirty at
Harbour Grace aforesaid, Merchant
He having first sworn well and faithfully to administer the same by
paying the just debts of the said intestate, and distributing the residue (if any)
of his estate and effects according to law and to exhibit a true and
perfect Inventory of all and singular the said estate and effects, and render a
just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do.
William T? Lloyd
Oath of Adminstrator with Will annexed “B”
In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
In the Estate of
Victor Parsons
I, Frederick Victor Parsons
of Harbour Grace , in the Electoral District of Harbour Grace
in the Island of Newfoundland, Merchant , make oath and say, that
Victor Parsons
late of Harbour Grace in the Electoral District of Harbour Grace
in the Island aforesaid, Merchant deceased, died with a Will; and
that I will well and faithfully administer the estate and effects of the said deceased, by
paying his just debts and legacies contained in the said Will
and distributing the residue of the said estate and effects, according to law; that I
will exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the said estate and
effects, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to
do ; that the deceased died at Harbour Grace aforesaid
on the seventh day of October One thousand nine
hundred and thirty ; and that the gross values of the said estate and effects, of the
deceased is Five thousand four hundred and ten 46/100 dollars and no
more according to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Sworn at Harbour Grace Fred V Parsons
On this 22nd day of December
A.D. 1930 , before me
John Casey
Administration Bond with Will annexed
Know all Men by these Presents THAT WE Frederick
Victor Parsons and the United States Fidelity and Guaranty
are jointly and severally bound unto Our Sovereign Lord George the Fifth, by the Grace of God, of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King;
Defender of the Faith &c., in the sum of Eight thousand four hundred
And twenty dollars to be paid to Our said Sovereign Lord the
King, His Heirs and Successors, for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and
Each of us for the whole, our and each of our Executors and Administrators, firmly by these presents.
Sealed with our seals
Dated the 17th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1931
The Condition of this Obligation, ~ is such that if the above named Frederick Victor
Parsons , Administrator of all the Estate and Effects of
Victor Parsons , late of Harbour Grace
in the Electoral District of Harbour Grace , in the island of
Newfoundland, Merchant, deceased (who died on or about the 7th
day of October , A. D. 1930) do, when lawfully called on in that behalf, make, or cause
to be made, a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the Estate and Effects of the said deceased,
which have or shall come into his hands, possession or knowledge, or into the hands or
possession of any other person or persons for him, and the same so made do exhibit, or
cause to be exhibited, into the Registry of the
Supreme Court of Newfoundland whenever required by
law so to do, and the same Estate and effects and all other Estate and Effects, of the said deceased at
the time of his decease, and then the Legacies contained in the Will annexed to the said
Letters of Administration to him committed, so far as such property will thereunto
extend and the law bind him ; and further, do make, or cause to be made, a full,
true and just account of his said administration within twelve months or sooner if thereunto
required and all the rest and residue of the said Estate and Effects shall deliver and pay unto such person
or persons as shall be by law entitled thereto; then this Obligation to be void and of no effect, or else to
remain in full force and virtue.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered, Frederick V Parsons
in the presence of United States Fidelity Guaranty Co
John Casey by J. J. Lac ????
Robert Alsop Attorney in fact
Transcriber's Notes:
Victor Parsons was born in Harbour Grace, a son of Bernard Parsons and Eliza Green.
He married Bertha Martin, daughter of Matthew Martin and Jane Maria Mercer on 1 Jan 1898 in Spaniard’s Bay. Matthew was a brother of my great grandfather Frederic Martin.
There were three children from this marriage and they are listed in the will. Florence was born crippled supposedly from some accident to her mother during pregnancy. In later years Florence lived with her aunt Belle Martin, a spinster sister of Bertha.
It appears that Bertha may have died sometime in the early 1900s.
Frederic Parsons married an Helena unknown and they had at least four children. Two girls and two boys