Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove from wills held at the London Public Records Office
While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors






I FFRANCISE ROMRILLE native(?) of THE ISLAND OF JERSEY and present inhabitant of BROAD COVE Conception Bay in Newfoundland do hereby express and with the blessing and assistance of my God in my perfect senses appoint this to be my last Will and Testament to wit of six hundred pounds Sterling which I deposited in the Kings Bank London three hundred pounds thereof I bequeath to my son CHARLES in Newfoundland and the ? three hundred pounds I bequeath to my daughter MARGARET in the Island of Jersey the money ? to pay the whole six hundred pounds is to be ? ? SAMUEL DOGREE(?) in Lon who is in possession of several of my ? to ? any property in Newfoundland consisting of room plantation cattle houses I also bequeath to my son CHARLES ? engaging and promising to have a ? and ? attention to his ? ? ? life so now being fully ? to ? God I confirm this my last will and Testament in the presence of the names prefixed to my own – FFRANCIS ROMRILLLE x his mark – present DEN? DUNN? THOS POWER

Broad Cove July ? 1806


In the Probate Court by the Honorable Thomas Tremlett Esquire Chief Justice of His Majesty’s Supreme Court of Judic? Of the Island of Newfoundland.

Whereas DENNIS DU(?) Of BROAD COVE in the District of Conception Bay in the said Island one of the witnesses to the last will and testament the other witness having departed this life on or about the seveth day of September last of FFRANCIS ROMRILLE late of Broad Cove aforesaid deceased this day appeared and upon his oath states? That he was present and did see the said FFRANCIS ROMRILE in due form of ? execute the annexed Will as and to his last will and Testament and whereas CHARLES ROMRILLE of BROAD COVE aforesaid the lawful and only son of the said deceased have prayed that the said Will may be approved I do therefore by virtue of the authority in me vested hereby approve the said will accordingly Given in the said court this eighth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven. AMAD ANSPACH SURROGATE

On the twenty sixth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven administration with the will annexed of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of FFRANCIS otherwise FFRANCISE ROMRILLE late of BROAD COVE in the District of Conception Bay in Newfoundland deceased was granted to SAMUEL DOGREE(?) ESQUIRE the lawful attorney of CHARLES ROMRILLE the son of the said deceased and the Executor named in the said WilL according to the ? thereof for his use and benefit now residing at Broad Cove aforesaid he having been first sworn duly to administer.


Note, this will was written with very sloppy handwritten, and is very faint, so difficult to decipher.


© Susan Snelgrove and NL GenWeb