NLGenWeb WillsConception Bay North Region ~ Carbonear DistrictCarbonear - Bill of Sale between Henry Knight & Watts & Elson (1808)This will was read, recorded and transcribed by SUSAN SNELGROVE, September 2001. While I have endeavored to be as correct as humanly possible, there could be some typographical errors. |
Bill of Sale between Henry Knight and Watts & Elson - 1808 |
This bill of sale indented, made and agreed upon at Carbonear in the Bay of Conception & Island of Newfoundland, on the fourteenth day of October in the forty eight year of the reign of George the third of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King etc, and in the Year of Christ, One Thousand eight hundred and eight.
Between HENRY KNIGHT of Carbonear aforesaid planter of the one part & Watts & Elson of the same place Attorney Agents to GEORGE KEMP and JAMES KEMP & Company of the Town of Poole in the County of Dorset, Great Britain Merchants of the other part. Witnesseth that the same Henry Knight for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred & twenty five pounds, thirteen shillings to him in hand paid and advanced the sealing of these presents, and receipt whereof in lawful money of Great Britain he doth hereby acknowledge and himself to be herewith fully & perfectly satisfied hath granted bargained sold transferred set over & delivered & by these presents doth grant bargain sell transfer set over & deliver, from the said Henry Knight his heirs and assigns, unto the said Watts & Elson for the use and behoof of the said George Kemp and James Kemp & Co. their heirs Executors etc. for ever. All that Fishing Room & Plantation situate the North side of the harbour of Carbonear aforesaid & now in the possession of the said Watts & Elson being bounded on the East by the plantation lately in the possession of WILLIAM PENNY SENR. on the West by JOSEPH TAYLOR’s room, on the North by the woods, & on the south by the sea. Together with all and singular the Dwelling House stable fish house, stage, flakes, waters, paths, passages, fences, cellar, and whatsoever else doth or shall to the same belong or in any wise appertain. And the said Henry Knight doth hereby covenant, promise & agree for himself, his heirs & to and with the said Watts & Elson for them the said George & James Kemp & Co their heirs etc. that he hath in himself & by himself good right, full power and lawful authority to sell and dispose of the before mentioned bargained premises and that he will in the full, free, entire & ample possession thereof against the lawful claims of all persons, them for ever defend by these presents. And in order thereto over and above the foregoing he hereby maketh known that he hath given up to them the said Watts & Elson for them the said George Kemp & James Kemp & Co. the original bill of sale bearing date of the twentieth day of February in the eleventh Year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the third, and in the One thousand seven hundred and seventy first year of the Christian era, between SAMUEL PIKE and his late Father Jos KNIGHT, and signed Samuel Pike. And an instrument of writing bearing date of twentieth day of April in the Year of Christ One Thousand seven hundred and eighty eight which last Instrument is signed by JOSEPH GARLAND and HENRY KNIGHT of Poole aforesaid his late father JOSEPH KNIGHT’s Executors or administrators & his guardians, and by his Mother ELIZABETH KNIGHT & himself. In true faith and testimony hereof he the said Henry Knight hath put them the said Watts & Elson in possession of all the before mentioned premises and each party hath to these presents their hands and seals set, the day and date first written. Signed Sealed delivered & possession given on the premises in Carbonear aforesaid (where stamped paper is not used In presence of Robert Pack, Geo. Forward Signed Henry Knight (seal) and Watts & Elson (seal) The foregoing is a true Copy of the original bill of sale accorded here this 22nd day of March 1814 done at the request of CLEMENT NOEL Eldest son of the late JOHN NOEL deceased and compared by me. Wm. Lilly Vib… |
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